[Iabs-talk] votes on hb2626

David Meyer datemeyer at sbcglobal.net
Tue May 23 08:50:45 UTC 2017

Hear is the voting record for hb2626 in the senate. The final tally was 49
yes, 0 no, 0 present.

Thank you to all who helped to make this result possible.


House Bill No. 2626 


May 19, 2017 


Y Althoff Y Cunningham Y Martinez Y Righter 

Y Anderson Y Fowler Y McCann Y Rooney 

Y Aquino NV Haine Y McCarter Y Rose 

Y Barickman Y Harmon Y McConchie NV Sandoval 

Y Bennett Y Harris NV McConnaughay Y Schimpf 

Y Bertino-Tarrant Y Hastings Y McGuire NV Silverstein 

Y Biss Y Holmes NV Morrison Y Stadelman 

Y Bivins Y Hunter Y Mulroe NV Steans 

Y Brady Y Hutchinson Y Muñoz Y Syverson 

NV Bush Y Jones, E. Y Murphy Y Tracy 

Y Castro Y Koehler Y Nybo Y Trotter 

Y Clayborne Y Landek Y Oberweis Y Van Pelt 

Y Collins Y Lightford Y Radogno Y Weaver 

NV Connelly Y Link NV Raoul Y Mr. President 

Y Cullerton, T. Y Manar NV Rezin


David Meyer, NFB of Illinois

Coordinator and Channel Administrator, NFB-NewsLine


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