[Iabs-talk] BELL Committee meets tonight - last notes are included for review

Patti Chang pattischang at gmail.com
Wed Mar 28 14:08:38 UTC 2018

This is a reminder. Our BELL committee meets tonight. Our prior notes are below. 

Call 641 715 3273 and use code 235518 at 7:30 pm.


Conference Call 

NFBI BELL Committee 2/21/18


Present: Patti, Emma, Debbie, Bill, Amy, Sara, Chaquita, Steve, Denise, Lewis 

            Absent: Kaytea, Cathy, and Julieta 


Lighthouse has confirmed July 9-20


Need Springfield location/dates 

Bill reached out to Grace Lutheran. We will check with Cathedral and Hoogland Center for the Arts. Amy will call Hoogland and schools. Bill will call Cathedral.

Ideal dates would be June 18-22, June 25-29, July 30-August 3


Hotels: Amy is booking Chicago. Patti will reach out to Springfield after we have dates firmed up. 


National web pages: Amy has done Chicago – no applicants yet. Amy will get Springfield up after we have venue. 


Interviews- Amy, Denise and Patti. Patti will send availability to Amy. They will set up interviews with the 4 candidates. We will most likely hire 2 co-teachers.

Amy will set up interview times and send resumes to Patti and Denise. 


Chicago Flyer- Amy will send flyer to Patti. Patti will distribute to our email groups. Debbie will make calls to known families with the help of Bill and Chaquita. Denise said to place it on facebook page as well. Denise will make sure that our presss/social media committee get the social media stuff done and reach out to the press generally. Patti will reach out to Joe A. and Debbie will reach out to NPR reporter about publicizing benefits of BELL. Patti will send it to the lighthouse and second sense. Debbie has a list of Illinois teacher emails; she will send the flyer. Chaquita, Bill, Debbie will make calls. Bill will reach out to Horizons.

Any kind of NPR, newspaper or tv news could be good avenues to reach out about impact of BELL. Social media press committee will look into this as well.

Amy will apply for Illinois AER mini-grant so that they can advertise the program. 


Chaquita will coordinate volunteers for Chicago.


Steve would like to help with transit planning.


Chicago field trip ideas:

Beep Kickball first Tuesday or Thursday

Grocery Store/Ice Cream first Tuesday or Thursday

Judo-Sara will check on location for dates July 17 or 19

Kayaking-Amy will reach out

Zoo  Amy will reach out if other field trips don’t work out. 

Children's Museum Amy will reach out only if others don’t work out. 

We tried to meet on a different day so that Kaytea could join us but at least two people would have to miss other days. Patti will be sure that Kaytea gets our notes and maybe the 7:30 meeting time will help. 

We will again use 641 715 3273 with the code of 235518.


Thanks for all you all do. 






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