[Iabs-talk] Federal Legislation alert

Marilyn Green marilynvgreen at gmail.com
Thu Apr 11 14:18:27 UTC 2019

Greetings fellow federationists,

We are off to a fantastic start in the 116th Congress with Senator
Duckworth's co-sponsorship of the Transformation to Competitive
Employment Act but if we want to get this legislation and our Access
Technology Affordability Act legislation moving through the House and
the Senate, we must mobilize and contact our federal legislators.

Contact your federal legislators and say:

Hello, my name is ____________and I live in ____________, Illinois .
As a constituent of Senator/Representative, I would like to ask for
co-sponsorship of two pieces of legislation: HR 873/S 260, the
Transformation to Competitive Employment Act and HR 2086/S 815, the
Access Technology Affordability Act. Both pieces of legislation will
empower blind people to live and work independently.

The Transformation to Competitive Employment Act will phase out
subminimum wages for people with disabilities over a six-year period,
at which point section 14c of the Fair Labor Standards Act, the
provision that allows this practice would be sunset. The Access
Technology Affordability Act removes an employment barrier commonly
experienced by blind Americans who cannot afford the high cost of
access technology by creating a refundable tax credit in the amount of
$2,000 to offset the cost of these technologies.

Thank you.

You can contact your member of Congress by calling the Capitol
Switchboard and asking for the office in question. The number is
202-224-3121. If you email your representative or senators, please
copy me at marilynvgreen at gmail.com.

If you want to learn who your federal legislator is or who our contact
person is in their office, please reach out to me off list.

Thanks for all that you do to build our organization.

Marilyn Green
Federal Legislation

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