[IABS-Talk] FW: a couple Xmas Auction items

David Meyer datemeyer at sbcglobal.net
Thu Dec 12 21:25:24 UTC 2019

The following comes from Bill Reif. He wishes to introduce you to a couple of friends. If you wish for an especially good time, discression is not advised.

-----Original Message-----
From: Bill Reif [mailto:billreif at ameritech.net] 
Sent: Thursday, December 12, 2019 2:53 PM
To: David Meyer
Subject: a couple Xmas Auction items

In my travels through life, I have run in to many people who think they 
are pretty informed, but who actually don't know Jack. Don't be that 
person. A gift box has been donated that contains five little bottles 
containing varieties of Jack Daniels that will get you in to the holiday 
spirit as the spirit gets in to you. As you sample these either alone or 
with friends, you and Jack may become pals, though hopefully not as good 
as the character in the Billy Joel song Captain Jack. If you drink all 
five at once, your charm and eloquence may temporarily decrease, but no 
one can tell you you don't know jack.

Not to be left out: there is another gift box containing several 
varieties of Jim Beam has been donated. Jim's not a bad friend to have 
either, and for many he is their "go to".

You must be 21 or over to bid on these items, and you can't partake 
until after you leave.

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