[IABS-Talk] May IABS Minutes

Glenn III gmoore3rd at gmail.com
Fri Jun 10 20:15:04 UTC 2022

Good afternoon folks.
Here are the minutes for IABS' May Meeting, to be voted on this Sunday at
the next IABS board meeting (7pm via the same zoom link we usually use).

MAY 15, 2022. 8:08pm

[caret symbol, ^, denotes something may need correcting or detail]
[asterisks, *, are for topical navigation]

Board in Attendance:
Ellen Bartelt
Sara Luna
Teresa Fabre
Glenn Moore
Debbie Stein
Denise Avant

Kenneth Moitui
Marilyn Green

Teresa is a national scholarship finalist.
Sara is going to training at BLIND Inc.

Denise moves, Sara seconds, to approve April minutes. motion passed.

Teresa hosted the second cooking class tonight.
Teresa: While one person attended, it was fun, with lots of questions. The
student (in Michigan at the moment) is interested in joining IABS.
Debbie: She is a state scholarship finalist.

*National Convention Fundraising:
Ellen: the committee discussed selling World's Best Chocolate, Lays chips,
and twinkies. The committee settled on a budget of up to $500.
Glenn: the rationale was it would give a comfortable amount to buy enough
merchandise, but we wouldn't likely want to transport and spend the time to
sell more than that.
Sara: Items are IL products.
Debbie: are there rules where we can sell items? We'd been restricted to
near meeting halls before.
Denise: We couldn't sell snack packs (multiple grouped items), but I
haven't seen a notice for this Convention.
Marilyn: We should stick to the main meeting area, not in lobby.
Glenn moves to budget up to $500 for the committee to allocate for
purchasing food items to sell. Sara seconds. The motion carries.

Ellen: Elizabeth Rouse asked if we were going to donate a doorprize for
NABS' business meeting. We discussed chocolate, like midwest gift.
Sara suggests a more affordable brand.
Glenn moves to authorize up to $30 for a door prize of Macy's Chocolate.
Denise seconds. the motion carries.

Sara: We planned 2 activities late April or Early May--an April 30th
informational event for scholarship applicants to learn about IABS, and
invited them to RSVP to the May Chicago Chapter Talent Show with a
complementary performance care of IABS.
Denise: Charles Miller attended.

Ellen: We need to read the constitution twice (today being the second
reading), then whether to amend.
Ellen reads the constitution and proposed amendments.
Teresa moves, Glenn seconds to adopt the amendments to the constitution
(mainly consolidating board composition to fewer positions, and adjusting
personal pronouns). With no 'nay's, the motion carries. It will be ratified
by the State Board, and becomes effective at State Convention in the fall.

Marilyn: The next state board meeting is Monday June 20, 7pm. Same zoom
info as this and other meetings. IABS constitution will be in the agenda.

Debbie: Scholarship committee met Wednesday and selected 2 finalists and
one alternate. State board approved 3. As always, they are finalists until
close of state convention which they must attend until adjournment. Rachel
Newland, Aboo Elfaqui^, and Vance Herder. All three will be new to NFBI
events. We are also granting 3 'convention scholarships' in order to
Bell is moving along. We discussed 2 co-teachers (one being a trainee under
Amy Lund), but decided for Amy to teach this summer with volunteers
assisting and to carry us forward. We're conducting background checks
currently. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact me. We have 5 kids
for Chicago, 6 for Springfield (and will cap each at 8). We also need
mentors for BELL In-Home also, as well as more students to enroll.
Suggestions were _^ Sanchez, Marian Abadi, Esli Ramos.

Marilyn: Face to Face State Board will be August 27th, roughly 9am to 3pm
with a lunch adjournment, at the Naperville Marriott, 1801 N Naper Blvd.
Same as State Convention. Board meeting rates are $109 per night, $119
doubles. Reserve at 630-505-4990. More info to come. We will offer
Chappel-Dennis financial assistance to attend.

Marilyn: State Convention is in about 5 months (3.5 months to solidify
agenda). Friday October 28 begins at 4pm with resolutions, through Sunday,
noon adjournment.
Debbie: Ralph Cozentino brought me the fired sculpture pieces from last
year, that I can connect with their owners.
Marilyn: I'm looking forward to Ralph possibly being back. If you have
ideas, email or text me at 312-343-8396. We'll discuss at the next board
meeting national rep preferences, etc.

Denise: We're doing well with HR 431, Access Technology Affordability Act;
currently with 15 IL cosponsors (not Cheri Bustos yet), and 153
congressional reps total.
HR 4853, Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act, was sponsored by Jan
Schakowsky, and now with 5 IL cosponsors, has 53 total. Adam Kinsinger
hasn't yet joined.
HR 2323, Transformation to Integrated Employment, has 4 IL cosponsors of
its 49 total. We anticipate being able to gain more IL cosponsors on the
last two particularly.
State bill 829, passed April 8, grants us to use our own acceissible
technology to mark our ballots, yet, you still need to print and mail
ballots to your election authority. This applies only to November, and is
on governor Pritzker's desk as of 10 days ago with expectation of his
signing on. For the June 28 primary, we're working out arrangement with the
state board of elections to have counties provide an option, whose form is
not finalized. We'll notify everyone as soon as we know.
If you're in any district, especially in Chicagoland, contact your
congressperson to thank or urge their cosponsorship, with emphasis on HR
4853 and 2323.
Max Bever spoke at Chicago Chapter meeting about how chicagoans can vote

Marilyn: National Convention is July 5 through 10. Marriott room block is
filling fast. The rate is $109 per night plus taxes (with 1 night deposit
and tax upon reservation). Reservations up to May 31. Register convention
itself at nfb.org/convention. Preregistration for convention, itself, (at
nfb.org/convention) is $25, banquet $70, if done by May 31.
National convention resolutions deadline is June 6, so please get yours to
Sharon Maneki. You will have to have a covid test within 72 hrs of arrival.
You can use a drug store test or at home tests are allowed. You can be
tested at convention, but will have to wait in a long line and rather than
quarantine at the hotel if result is positive, it may be best to test and
verify before going to the airport, then hotel, etc. It is important to us
to protect all our federation family and friends, especially those with
compromised immunity. Masks have to be worn at all times in convention.
Denise: my understanding is have the test within 72 hours of whenever you
arrive (even if you arrive early). email results to testresults at nfb.org.
more info at:

Denise moves to adjourn; Sara seconds; the motion carries.
9:11pm adjournment.

-Glenn Moore III
IABS Treasurer
-------------- next part --------------
MAY 15, 2022. 8:08pm

[caret symbol, ^, denotes something may need correcting or detail]
[asterisks, *, are for topical navigation]

Board in Attendance:
Ellen Bartelt
Sara Luna
Teresa Fabre
Glenn Moore
Debbie Stein
Denise Avant

Kenneth Moitui
Marilyn Green

	Teresa is a national scholarship finalist.
	Sara is going to training at BLIND Inc.

Denise moves, Sara seconds, to approve April minutes. motion passed.

	Teresa hosted the second cooking class tonight.
Teresa:	While one person attended, it was fun, with lots of questions. The student (in Michigan at the moment) is interested in joining IABS.
Debbie:	She is a state scholarship finalist.

	*National Convention Fundraising:
Ellen:	the committee discussed selling World's Best Chocolate, Lays chips, and twinkies. The committee settled on a budget of up to $500.
Glenn:	the rationale was it would give a comfortable amount to buy enough merchandise, but we wouldn't likely want to transport and spend the time to sell more than that.
Sara:	Items are IL products.
Debbie:	are there rules where we can sell items? We'd been restricted to near meeting halls before.
Denise:	We couldn't sell snack packs (multiple grouped items), but I haven't seen a notice for this Convention.
Marilyn:	We should stick to the main meeting area, not in lobby.
	Glenn moves to budget up to $500 for the committee to allocate for purchasing food items to sell. Sara seconds. The motion carries.

Ellen:	Elizabeth Rouse asked if we were going to donate a doorprize for NABS' business meeting. We discussed chocolate, like midwest gift.
Sara suggests a more affordable brand.
Glenn moves to authorize up to $30 for a door prize of Macy's Chocolate. Denise seconds. the motion carries.

Sara:	We planned 2 activities late April or Early May--an April 30th informational event for scholarship applicants to learn about IABS, and invited them to RSVP to the May Chicago Chapter Talent Show with a complementary performance care of IABS.
Denise:	Charles Miller attended.

Ellen:	We need to read the constitution twice (today being the second reading), then whether to amend.
	Ellen reads the constitution and proposed amendments.
	Teresa moves, Glenn seconds to adopt the amendments to the constitution (mainly consolidating board composition to fewer positions, and adjusting personal pronouns). With no 'nay's, the motion carries. It will be ratified by the State Board, and becomes effective at State Convention in the fall.

Marilyn:	The next state board meeting is Monday June 20, 7pm. Same zoom info as this and other meetings. IABS constitution will be in the agenda.

Debbie:	Scholarship committee met Wednesday and selected 2 finalists and one alternate. State board approved 3. As always, they are finalists until close of state convention which they must attend until adjournment. Rachel Newland, Aboo Elfaqui^, and Vance Herder. All three will be new to NFBI events. We are also granting 3 'convention scholarships' in order to attend. 
	Bell is moving along. We discussed 2 co-teachers (one being a trainee under Amy Lund), but decided for Amy to teach this summer with volunteers assisting and to carry us forward. We're conducting background checks currently. Anyone interested in volunteering can contact me. We have 5 kids for Chicago, 6 for Springfield (and will cap each at 8). We also need mentors for BELL In-Home also, as well as more students to enroll.
	Suggestions were _^ Sanchez, Marian Abadi, Esli Ramos.

Marilyn:	Face to Face State Board will be August 27th, roughly 9am to 3pm with a lunch adjournment, at the Naperville Marriott, 1801 N Naper Blvd. Same as State Convention. Board meeting rates are $109 per night, $119 doubles. Reserve at 630-505-4990. More info to come. We will offer Chappel-Dennis financial assistance to attend.
Marilyn:	State Convention is in about 5 months (3.5 months to solidify agenda). Friday October 28 begins at 4pm with resolutions, through Sunday, noon adjournment.
Debbie:	Ralph Cozentino brought me the fired sculpture pieces from last year, that I can connect with their owners.
Marilyn:	I'm looking forward to Ralph possibly being back. If you have ideas, email or text me at 312-343-8396. We'll discuss at the next board meeting national rep preferences, etc.

Denise:	We're doing well with HR 431, Access Technology Affordability Act; currently with 15 IL cosponsors (not Cheri Bustos yet), and 153 congressional reps total.
	HR 4853, Medical Device Nonvisual Accessibility Act, was sponsored by Jan Schakowsky, and now with 5 IL cosponsors, has 53 total. Adam Kinsinger hasn't yet joined.
	HR 2323, Transformation to Integrated Employment, has 4 IL cosponsors of its 49 total. We anticipate being able to gain more IL cosponsors on the last two particularly. 
	State bill 829, passed April 8, grants us to use our own acceissible technology to mark our ballots, yet, you still need to print and mail ballots to your election authority. This applies only to November, and is on governor Pritzker's desk as of 10 days ago with expectation of his signing on. For the June 28 primary, we're working out arrangement with the state board of elections to have counties provide an option, whose form is not finalized. We'll notify everyone as soon as we know.
	If you're in any district, especially in Chicagoland, contact your congressperson to thank or urge their cosponsorship, with emphasis on HR 4853 and 2323.
	Max Bever spoke at Chicago Chapter meeting about how chicagoans can vote accessibly.

Marilyn:	National Convention is July 5 through 10. Marriott room block is filling fast. The rate is $109 per night plus taxes (with 1 night deposit and tax upon reservation). Reservations up to May 31. Register convention itself at nfb.org/convention. Preregistration for convention, itself, (at nfb.org/convention) is $25, banquet $70, if done by May 31.
	National convention resolutions deadline is June 6, so please get yours to Sharon Maneki. You will have to have a covid test within 72 hrs of arrival. You can use a drug store test or at home tests are allowed. You can be tested at convention, but will have to wait in a long line and rather than quarantine at the hotel if result is positive, it may be best to test and verify before going to the airport, then hotel, etc. It is important to us to protect all our federation family and friends, especially those with compromised immunity. Masks have to be worn at all times in convention.
Denise:	my understanding is have the test within 72 hours of whenever you arrive (even if you arrive early). email results to testresults at nfb.org.
	more info at: https://nfb.org/get-involved/national-convention/2022-national-convention-safety-protocols/covid-testing-protocols

Denise moves to adjourn; Sara seconds; the motion carries.
9:11pm adjournment.

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