[il-talk] 40

JOSEPH MONTI jlmonti at sbcglobal.net
Sun Nov 15 15:47:17 UTC 2009

hi folks, yes Lent is here. NOOOO
sorry, that's how many days are left to christmas.
i already have give 4 Louis Braille coins away and probably will a few more. they make wonderful gifts. everyone has been impressed with them. 
now a subway or dunkin donut gift is cheaper and some would say more appetizing. so you have many choices. kelly will be happy to sell you Brl coin. and i will be happy to sell you any gift card you might need.
40 is a special number in the Bible. it appears more than any other number. so think of this as your bibllilcal 
mission. buy, buy, and buy.
st. nick

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