[il-talk] I signed the petition!

Eric Calhoun eric at pmpmail.com
Fri Oct 2 08:46:38 UTC 2009

Well, I went to the Concerned Citizens of Paratransit website last night,
and I signed the petition.  It's at the top of the page.  pace!  Mayor
Daly!  You are being ridiculous to the disabled with these proposals? 
Don't think the Grinch won't steal your Christmas?  Think again.

Halloween!  Don't make it a safety hazard!  Make it a safe haven!  This
is Eric from Los Angeles, reminding that a safe Halloween begins with you. 
No illegal violence!  No non-see-through costumes!  Be creative!  Don't be
offensive!  But be loving!  It's not the size of the dog in the fight; it's
the size of the fight in the dog!

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