[il-talk] 20/20

Connie J. Davis condav8950 at att.net
Sat Oct 3 19:18:25 UTC 2009

Hi, all,
Last night 20/20 hosted a program about albinism.  It is a very informative
program.  Here is the link http://www.abcnews.con/20/20.  
There is deplorable situation that exists in Tanzania that affects albinos.
I realize that NFB is an inclusive group, however, I feel we are largely
ignored group.  While we have common problems with other blind people, we
have our own set of problems.  Sometimes I get frustrated with the "one
sized fits all"  philosophy.  I feel as if the problems that legally blind
face are swept aside.  Yes, I realize that most forms of blindness are
degenerative.  However, what about those of us whose vision is degenerative,
in and of itself?  Do we matter?  Do we count?  
I know some of you are groaning.  And I believe some people are going to
take issue with this.  So, be it.
I've spoken my piece.



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