[il-talk] Fw: Carl Suter Retirement Announcement

Robert Gardner rgardner4 at gmail.com
Thu Apr 22 02:08:15 UTC 2010


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Lori Zenner" <Lori.Zenner at illinois.gov>
Sent: Monday, April 19, 2010 10:24 AM
Subject: Carl Suter Retirement Announcement

>>> "Carl Suter" <carlsuter at rehabnetwork.org> 4/19/2010 9:04:43 AM >>>

As I approach my ninth year at CSAVR, I have decided to retire. It is a 
decision I had hoped would still be several years away, however, in dealing 
with the affects of a couple of failed surgeries on my left shoulder in the 
last several years, I have decided that my retirement needs to occur this 
calendar year. Therefore, my last day at CSAVR will be on December 31, 2010. 
This should provide the organization with ample time to secure my 
replacement. Earlier today I informed the CSAVR membership of my decision 
and I plan on telling President Wooderson and the Executive Committee that I 
would be honored to work with them in helping to identify CSAVR's next CEO.

I am extremely proud of what we have accomplished in my nine years, however, 
it has been a complete team effort - from incredible staff to wonderful 
support and leadership through the CSAVR Officers, Executive Committee and 

When I think back on the issues we have confronted and the successes we have 
had in conjunction with our many partners, I feel very proud:

*Demonstrating that CSAVR could play fair and could be an effective partner

*Reinvigorating CSAVR and making sure our "house" was in order

*Bringing back the disaffected VR agencies to CSAVR

*Having an important presence on the "Hill"

*Looking at VR from various perspectives through the CSAVR "FUTURES" 

*Fighting off WIA Plus

*Winning legislative battles around consolidation and maintaining the VR 

*Securing an additional $540 million for VR in the economic stimulus

Thanks for your support over the years; I look forward to continuing to work 
with many of you over the next 8 months on issues of great importance to the 
VR community and persons with significant disabilities.

 Carl Suter
Chief Executive Officer
1 Research Court, Suite 450
Rockville, MD  20850
(301) 654-8414 voice
(301) 654-5542 fax
carlsuter at rehabnetwork.org

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