[il-talk] National Rep

Patti Gregory-Chang pattichang at att.net
Mon Aug 23 15:07:08 UTC 2010

Our national representative for state convention is Dr. Marc Maurer!!!!




On October 8th, 9th, and 10th, 2010, enthusiastic Federationists will 
assemble in Springfield to renew our dedication in the pursuit of security, 
equality, and opportunity for all blind people.

The site for our convention will be the President Abraham Lincoln Hotel And 
Conference Center, 701 East Adams, Springfield, Illinois 62701 Telephone: 
(217) 544-8800. Room rates are $76 per night plus applicable taxes. Please 
indicate you are with the NFBI to get this special rate. Room reservations 
must be made by September 9th. After that date, reservations will be 
accepted only on a space available basis.

This year's convention will kick off with the NFBI Senior Fair on Friday, 
October 8th. The time for this event is 10:30 AM to 2:00 PM. Seniors losing 
vision will be shown that life does not have to end with the loss of sight. 
Seniors will be introduced to a variety of alternative techniques, gadgets, 
resources, and services to help them live more independently. In addition, 
we have something new for the seniors: break out sessions on Managing Your 
Finances, Information Access, and Independence In the Home.   Those 
attending the Senior Fair need to register by September 24th. The cost is 
$10, which includes a box lunch. Questions about the NFBI Senior Fair should 
be directed to Kelly Doty at (847) 390-1738 or kelly at dls.net.

Friday afternoon will offer workshops on social media, and reading on the 

The Resolutions Committee will meet at 7:00, followed by a chance to show 
off your talent during IABS Idol.

The Resolutions Committee will be chaired by George Villa, who is requesting 
that ALL resolutions be submitted by September 17, 2010. He may be contacted 
at gvilla at wideopenwest.com or (630) 416-3875. Those wanting to perform 
during the IABS Idol should contact Ronza Othman at (708) 829-0523 or 
aznor99 at aol.com.

Our general session will convene on Saturday, October 9th at 9 AM.  Our 
featured guest is Amy Lund, a teacher of the visually impaired and her 
student. John Ericksen, an avid downhill skier will also be featured to talk 
about recreational opportunities for the blind. After our student lunch, we 
will hear from participants in NFB national programs and Pam Redding, 
Director of World Sports Chicago. In addition, there will be breakout 
sessions for parents of blind children, a teen scene and significant others.

The evening will culminate with our annual banquet, featuring an energizing 
address from our National Representative and the much-anticipated 
scholarship awards.

Sunday morning's business session will include the president's report, the 
treasurer's report, voting on resolutions, and election of officers and two 
board members. Adjournment is scheduled for 12:15 PM on October 10th.

Advance registration for the convention made before September 24th is $5. 
Registration after that date or at convention will be $15. The registration 
form and fees for breakfasts, luncheon, and banquet should be sent before 
September 24th to Kelly Doty, 1433 Ashland Street #403, Des Plaines, IL 
60016.  Checks or money orders should be made payable to NFB of Illinois. 
Please do not send cash.

We will host a breakfast for parents of blind children at 7 A.M. on 
Saturday, The student breakfast will be held on Sunday morning at 7:00 a.m., 
at which time the student division will conduct its business meeting. The 
cost for each breakfast will be $10.

We will have a luncheon for all those interested in young adult issues on 
Saturday at noon.  The cost will be $15. The banquet on Saturday night will 
start at 7 PM and tickets will cost $30.

Those with special dietary needs for any of the meals should contact Denise 
Avant, (773) 325-1117 or dravant at ameritech.net.  The deadline for such 
requests is September 24th.

Kids' Kamp (childcare) will be available on Saturday from 8:30 AM to 5:30 
P.M. Kids' Kamp is free to all children under 12 who are registered for the 
convention. A separate release form must be filled out at time of 

For those needing financial assistance to attend the convention, all 
applications must be submitted to President Patti Chang no later than 
September 1st at 6919 W. Berwyn Ave. Chicago, IL 60656 or 
pattichang at att.net.  The form to fill out for financial assistance from the 
James Chappell Memorial Fund is available on our web site at 
www.nfbofillinois.org or one will be mailed to you upon request.

Federation conventions change the lives of blind and sighted people alike! 
Don't miss out on this opportunity for change! Join us for our best 
convention yet!

To sponsor me in the race for independence which raises funds for the 
Imagination Fund affiliated with the NFB Jernigan Institute, you can go to 
www.raceforindependence.org.  Help us build innovative programs and products 
to gain true independence.    For more information on NFB, the Jernigan 
Institute and the Imagination Fund, go to www.nfb.org.

P.S.  National Federation of the Blind of Illinois is now on twitter at 
We also have a facebook page.  Just search for our full name.

Patti Gregory-Chang
President, National Federation of the Blind of Illinois
pattichang at att.net
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