[il-talk] The LIFE Group Enters BRAL

Robert Gardner rgardner4 at gmail.com
Tue Nov 23 17:24:54 UTC 2010

The LIFE (Literacy Is For Everyone) Group was formed to improve the Braille skills of the participants.  LIFE members meet each week by teleconference, presently at 8 PM on Sundays, to read Braille aloud to each other from a common book.  Members take turns reading during the meeting, and members are assigned a certain number of pages to read in the Braille book during the week between meetings.  

Today, five members of the group --  Kelly Doty, Denise Avant, Syed Yousufuddin, Lois Montgomery, and Bob Gardner -- entered the NFB Braille Readers Are Leaders adult team of the year contest.  Wish us luck, and stay tuned for further updates.  

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