[il-talk] Blackhawk Chapter Newsletter For March

Robert Gardner rgardner4 at gmail.com
Sun Mar 6 00:32:51 UTC 2011



The monthly newsletter of the Blackhawk Chapter,

National Federation of the Blind of Illinois



March 3, 2011


Editor:  Nancy Gardner


Contact Info:  Robert Gardner, President

 (309) 755-8085

 rngard1061 at mchsi.com


Hope you are enjoying the nicer weather that we have been having - it's MUCH better than that terrible cold stuff we had been having! Spring has got to be just around the corner - and boy,  are we ready for it!  Rain or shine, we hope to see you at our chapter meeting on Saturday, March 12.




Our meeting will be held on Saturday, March 12  at 1:30 PM, at the South Moline Township Center at 637 17th Avenue in East Moline.


The meeting will be led by Blackhawk Chapter board member, Don Carey. Our program will feature the reading and discussion of the story, "Why Not Just Ask?", a story from the NFB Kernel Book series.  What does a blind person do when someone sighted, someone without any real understanding of blindness,  says you have a problem, then -- without consulting you -- tells you how a blind person should handle the situation?  Come, listen, and join in the discussion of this story and its message.  




The meeting was led by chapter vice president, Patrick Olson.  Patrick led a discussion among those attending about how they used Braille in their daily lives.  Besides just reading for pleasure or for information, we found out that people use Braille to label files, make grocery lists, mark grocery items, make phone number lists, mark CD's, and in many other ways.  


Bob Gardner and Lois Montgomery talked about their recent trip to Washington D.C. to participate in the NFB Washington Seminar.  In this event, NFB members from all 50 states come to Washington to talk to their congressmen about issues important to the blind community.  Besides pushing for important legislation, Bob and Lois talked about the many mobility and travel challenges involved in the trip.  





Saturday, May 14:  We will have our chapter meeting at Bennigan's Restaurant in downtown Rock Island.  We will have lunch, all selecting their meal off the menu (and paying for it themselves).  We will also have a short business meeting.  As in the past, those interested in practicing their mobility skills will ride the bus from Center Station in Moline to Rock Island, then walk several blocks to the restaurant.  


Saturday, June 11:  We will have our annual potluck/picnic at the home of the Gardner's in Hampton.  As usual, besides great food and fellowship, we will talk about the long white cane used for mobility, and we will do some walking around beautiful, downtown Hampton.  And, maybe a special surprise this year.  How about playing baseball?  Yes, we might do that - play "string ball."  Stay tuned for further details.  


July 3-8:  NFB National Convention in Orlando, Florida.  If you are interested in attending, contact Bob Gardner for further details.  You should make hotel reservations soon.  



Quite a few people still need to pay their chapter dues for 2011.  It's easy and fairly painless to join the Blackhawk Chapter or to renew your membership.  All you have to do is bring $2 to a chapter meeting, or mail that amount to: Lois Montgomery, 3527-12th Avenue, Moline, IL  61265.  Where else can you find such a BARGAIN!  Plan to join right away!!!!!




The following members will be celebrating birthdays: 


          March 9 - Kathy Abbott

             12 - Kathy Crooks

             25 - Nancy Gardner

             30 - Ruby Blanchard

          April 1 - George Sowers



Please submit your favorite recipes.  You can give written recipes to me at the chapter meetings, send them email (address in letterhead), or mail them to me at: P.O. Box 191, Hampton, IL 61256. Thanks! Nancy


This recipe hasn't been tested in our "test kitchen", but it really sounded delicious and easy.  It is from the Mar/Apr 2011 issue of Diabetic Cooking magazine.  Just add rice or potatoes and a vegetable, and you are all set for a great meal that is sure to impress!


Pork Medallions with Marsala (low carb/low salt)


1 pound pork tenderloin, cut into ½-inch slices

All-purpose flour

2 tablespoons olive oil

1 clove garlic, minced

½ cup sweet Marsala wine

2 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley 

Chopped red onion (optional)


1.               Dredge pork in flour.  Heat oil in large skillet over medium-high heat.  Add pork; cook 3 minutes on each side or until browned.  Remove from pan.  Reduce heat to medium.

2.               Add garlic to skillet; cook and stir 1 minute.  Add wine and pork; cook 3 minutes or until pork is barely pink in center.  Remove pork from skillet.  Stir in parsley.  Simmer wine mixture 2 to 3 minutes or until slightly thickened.  Serve over pork.  Garnish with red onion, if desired.

                      Makes 4 servings


Dietary Exchanges:  1 Fat, 3 Meat

Calories 218   Carbohydrate 1g   Sodium  50mg

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