[il-talk] {Disarmed} FW: {{Action Alert}} The Battle Lines are Drawn

Connie Davis condav8950 at att.net
Fri Sep 9 23:19:29 UTC 2011

This affects all of us who use Amtrak. Without Amtrak, a lot of us would not have decent transportation in this state and nation. 
 <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=e9gMj74YWhsStmLg7T22i8WTWAPKNM1V> Midwest High Speed Rail Association (logo)

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The last 24 hours have served as a primer for the upcoming debate concerning the future of transportation in the United States - a debate that will determine whether we choose to invest in a world-class transportation system, or continue down our current path, which serves no one’s best interest. The battle lines are drawn. Join thousands of Americans at StandUpForTrains.org <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=UQfCe7XbpSKegm64x2wLfW72eNEyOYWN>  and make your voice heard! <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=ZwLitO2rPeKDek4sbxXrhG72eNEyOYWN> 

In an address to Congress last night, President Obama said, "“Building a world-class transportation system is part of what made us an economic superpower. And now we’re going to sit back and watch China build newer airports and faster railroads? At a time when millions of unemployed construction workers could build them right here in America?” The Midwest High Speed Rail Association applauds President Obama for reaffirming his commitment to high-speed rail and for understanding its far-reaching benefits. The president's plan includes $50 billion in investments for transportation, including rail.
At the same time, we are dismayed by misguided attempts in the House Appropriations Committee to stifle job-creating investments in high-speed and intercity passenger rail (HSIPR) in key regions across the U.S. The Transportation-HUD House Appropriations Subcommittee proposal, offered by majority republicans, prohibits the use of any federal funds provided to Amtrak to fund any operating costs of state-supported trains. It essentially penalizes states that invest in passenger rail. If enacted by the full congress, it will eliminate nearly 150 weekly state-supported trains and negatively impact the more than nine million passengers who ride those trains each year and the communities they live in. The proposal offers zero funding for high-speed rail. Read more about it at MidwestHSR.org <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=mCQxPO%2BpQY8zVQuhW%2B7HjW72eNEyOYWN> .
The U.S. is at an economic crossroads in which it is vital to address our long-term stability, while spurring short-term economic growth. This requires a set of responsible national priorities that do two things – create jobs and bolster economic growth. A high-speed rail network that connects our regional economies, our businesses and our workers is a national priority that is worth fighting for. In the coming weeks, we look forward to adding our voice to this fight. 
Today and next week, constituents and members of organizations around the country will voice their opinions at StandUpForTrains.org <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=XvBWvKaPaOVc3U%2FVhYXcb272eNEyOYWN>  by asking their elected officials to fund Amtrak and HSIPR. Will you join them? Even if you have already gone to StandUpForTrains.org <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=XvBWvKaPaOUuQC5Su9Qe3272eNEyOYWN>  and emailed your legislator, we ask that you do it again. The message has changed and we are stepping up the fight! 
Madeline Grennan
Manager of Education and Outreach
Midwest High Speed Rail Association

4765 N. Lincoln Ave.

Chicago, IL 60625


Join us at  <http://salsa.democracyinaction.org/dia/track.jsp?v=2&c=Bs6Ly19S5KDXlWWMvVY69sWTWAPKNM1V> MidwestHSR.org

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