[il-talk] Blackhawk Chapter Newsletter For October

Robert Gardner rgardner4 at gmail.com
Fri Oct 5 03:29:45 UTC 2012



The monthly newsletter of the Blackhawk Chapter,

National Federation of the Blind of Illinois



October 4, 2012

Editor:  Nancy Gardner


Contact Info:  Robert Gardner, President

 (309) 755-8085

 rngard1061 at mchsi.com 



Time to get out those sweatshirts, jackets, and sweaters ! It is going to be getting chilly outside. But, it will be nice and cozy at the South Moline Township Center for our next chapter meeting. Get the date marked on your calendar and make plans to join us - you'll be glad you did!




Our next meeting will be held on Saturday, October 13th, at 1:30 PM, at the South Moline Township Center at 637 17th Avenue in East Moline.  

Our program this month will feature a quick review of our experiences at the NFB of Illinois State Convention that will be held in Chicago this weekend (Oct.5-7).  


We will also hold elections for all chapter officers at this meeting.  There are seven officers:  president, vice-president, treasurer, secretary, and three board members.  The president and vice-president must be blind, and a majority of the officers must be blind.  To be nominated for an office, the person being nominated needs to be present at the meeting.  If you are interested in becoming an officer but are unable to attend the meeting, you should contact Bob Gardner to discuss the matter.  




The following members will be celebrating birthdays: 


      October -  8  Beth Fredrickson

26      Mark Clayburne


     November -  5 Linda Jasper Carey

                19 Kaitlyn Ryan

                25 Jay Miller





You should have received your BIRDIES FOR CHARITY pledges in the mail.  Please send in your pledge as this is our largest fund raising event of the year.  The money received from Birdies for Charity, for example, makes it possible to have our Christmas Party in December with only a minimal charge to attendees.


YOUNKER'S COMMUNITY DAYS . . . Coming on November 9-10th. - Coupon books will be available at the October meeting. We have thru the end of October to sell the booklets.


Please return any unsold booklets and any money collected from sales of Community Days booklets  to Pat Olson by the end of October so that she can return them to Younkers. 


The books are $5.00 each - the Blackhawk Chapter gets to keep this total amount.  Please buy a booklet(s) for yourself and ask your friends and family to participate - everyone will get their initial $5 back(there's a $10 coupon in the booklet) plus the savings they receive from the coupons, OR they can consider their $5 as a donation to the chapter.  




November 10:  November chapter meeting

December 8: Blackhawk Chapter Christmas Party & Dinner at Christ United Methodist Church located at 3801 7th Street in East Moline. Please be at the church by 5:30 PM. Dinner will be served at 6:00 PM, and the party will end at approximately  8:30.  You must get your tickets in advance - the last day to get tickets will be December 1st. Tickets will be available at chapter meetings ($6 per person) or by calling Lois Montgomery at 762-3414. We will be having a "Silent Auction" again this year, so donations of homemade goodies would be greatly appreciated.  December 8th. sounds like it should be a long ways ahead, but it is only 2 months away!  Please plan to come - guests are welcome. Come for an evening of fun, fellowship, and great food.  



This recipe comes from a friend of mine. She made it for a potluck and everyone loved it! It's easy and delicious - can't beat that combination!


Carlene's Strawberry-Cherry Jello


1 - 3 oz. box strawberry jello

1 - 3 oz. box cherry jello

2 cups boiling water

10 oz. frozen strawberries

1 can cherry pie filling


Dissolve jello in boiling water.  Add strawberries.  When berries are melted, add pie filling. Stir till blended. Let it set up in the refrigerator. Enjoy!
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