[il-talk] Fwd: Draft Minutes, Chicago Chapter, September 14, 2013

Denise Avant dravant at ameritech.net
Sun Nov 3 23:34:08 UTC 2013

Hello all,
Below you will find the minutes for the Chicago chapter meeting of September 2013. Debbie Stein will read the minutes for those who usually review them on Newsline because Dave will not be able to post them there.

Denise Avant
dravant at ameritech.net

P.S.  Please give to the National Federation of the Blind of Illinois Annual
Appeal by sending your tax deductible donation to NFBI c/o Glenn Moore III,
Treasurer P.O. Box 1065 Elgin, IL 60121.

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Deborah Kent Stein" <dkent5817 at att.net>
> Subject: Draft Minutes, Chicago Chapter, September 14, 2013
> Date: November 2, 2013 at 2:22:04 PM CDT
> To: "David Meyer" <datemeyer at sbcglobal.net>
> Cc: "denise avant" <dravant at ameritech.net>
> Reply-To: "Deborah Kent Stein" <dkent5817 at att.net>
> September 14, 2013
> Exchequer Pub and Restaurant
> 226 S. Wabash, Chicago
> Chicago Chapter President David Meyer called the meeting to order at 1:01 PM.  Forty-four people were in attendance, including two guests from the University of Illinois at Chicago.
> Sid Berkman and Rashid Ansari described a travel device being developed at the University of Illinois/Chicago.  Their project grew out of discussions with residents at Friedman Place who expressed concern about crossing streets safely due to quiet cars.  The device uses cameras and a computer that presents an image analysis to guide the pedestrian to the opposite curb.  Video analysis captures a series of images in a dynamic scene.  The small, lightweight device will provide a clear signal to indicate when it is safe to cross.  Blind participants will be involved in the process of developing the prototype.  Several members commented about the differences among blind travelers and the efforts to deal with the challenge of quiet cars through legislation.  Patti Chang urged the team to work with Steve Hastalis and Jemal Powell to learn more about how blind people travel.
> Dave Meyer said that Teresa's brother has been diagnosed with cancer.  Jemal Powell's sister is having reconstructive breast surgery.  Adam Kosarowicz is on the waiting list for a kidney transplant.  Don Gillmore recently got a defibrillator to monitor his heart rhythm.
> Pam Gillmore spoke about the enormous value of the caring of friends as she was going through Don's health crises.  She would like to pass on tips of medical information to our chapter members.  She urged everyone to get a flu shot.  They will be available for the next two or three months.  She also urged everyone to memorize their Social Security number, as it is needed again and again going through the healthcare system.  Always get a paper copy of any referral.  Pam recommended several health-related digital books that are available from NLS.
> The minutes from the June 8, 2013, meeting were corrected and approved.
> Chicago Chapter Treasurer Steve Hastalis presented the second quarter treasurer's report covering April, May, and June 2013.  On April 1 there was an opening balance of $4095.  Income came to $461.74 and expenses to $1952. Expenses included $1,000 toward NFB funds.  On June 30, 2013, the ending balance was $2,604.74.  The treasurer's report was approved.  The current balance, nearing the end of the third quarter, is $4,000.  Sox tickets have brought substantial revenue.
> NFBI President Patti Chang played an email from Cary Supalo, announcing the formation of the Bloomington Chapter.  He will send a constitution next week.  The chapter is already planning a Meet-the-Blind Month activity. There will be shuttles from the train station to the hotels.  Shuttles must be scheduled in advance, and Steve Hastalis is making the arrangements. Justin Salisbury will be our NABS rep, and Ron Brown of Indiana will be our national rep.  Byron Lee proposed holding a meeting of the Audio Committee to plan for convention needs.  Anyone interested in helping should contaçt Byron at byron at byronlee.com.  Denise Avant appealed for people to donate door prizes.  Gift cards and small items are especially appreciated.  Debbie Stein is seeking people to take part in our annual Braille Is Beautiful play reading.  If you're interested in taking part in IABS Idol, let Julia Chang know.  Chris Jeckel is chairing the Resolutions Committee this year.  Steve Hastalis will help people develop ideas into resolutions.  Reservations are still available for Oktoberfest, to be held on September 21.  Tickets cost twenty-five dollars.  The party will be held at the home of Patti and Francisco Chang, 6919 W. Berwyn in Chicago.  The NFB is now taking part in a car donation program.  Patti passed out stickers and business cards that we can distribute to businesses, encouraging people to donate vehicles. Applications to attend Washington Seminar are due December 1.  It runs January 27-29, 2014.  T-shirts will be for sale at state convention, for $10 apiece.  The next certificate order will be due in November rather than December.
> NFB President Marc Maurer reported that many states are holding their conventions. The NFB is conducting a survey created by Mission Minded to examine our branding message. The survey will close on December 12, and everyone is encouraged to complete it. Dan Parker, a Federationist from Georgia, became the first blind person to ride a motorcycle at the Bonneville Salt Flats. Dan's work expands upon our experience using interactive devices for blind drivers. The Jernigan Institute and the Writers Division are compiling an online resource on where the blind work. Go to www.nfb.org/wtbw-main and write about your job. Individuals can join the pAC Plan to set up monthly donations. Chapters are urged to increase the amount of PAC Plan contributions. The contest will end on December 31, and the chapter with the greatest increase will win $100. Contributions to the Imagination Fund help build our programs. We currently raise $437,000 in annual PAC contributions. October is Meet-the-Blind Month. Chapters are encouraged to plan events that will raise funds and awareness. The Bid for Equality will be our first online auction, featuring several unique contributions from our affiliates. The auction will begin on November 29 and conclude on December 3, 2013. Many BELL programs were held this summer, and there was a leadership seminar over the Labor Day weekend. Joy Mistovich at joy.misto at gmail.com is interested in developing a group of environmental activists.
> Dave Meyer announced that the Chicago Chapter will hold a Read-a-Thon as our Meet the Blind Month activity.  Readers may take pledges per page or for a set amount.  Ken Staley, Dave Meyer, Debbie Stein, Pam Gillmore, Araceli Avina, Gina Falvo, Ken Forrester, Denise Avant, and Robert Hansen volunteered to participate.  We will read from 1 to 4 at Exchequer on October 12 in lieu of our October meeting.  Bring reading material! Hardcopy and electronic books are fine.
> We are asking that Section 511 be removed from the Workforce Investment Act, or WIA.  We had appointments with staffers in the offices of senators Kirk and Durbin.  Senator Kirk's liaison seemed quite interested, and suggested working with Senator Durbin's office on an amendment.  We also held a letter-writing campaign opposing the e-Reader coalition proposal that they would not have to comply with the Twenty-First Century Communications Act in terms of access.  The national office got about 125 letters on the topic in a week, including a dozen letters from Illinois.  Rose Sloan has recently taken a job in the Governmental Affairs Department at the national office.
> Steve Hastalis said that the city is pioneering a new communication service for taxis.  The device that seems to work best comes from a company called CMT.  When it works, it works beautifully, but often it does not work at all.  Another system, called Veriphone, is not very accessible.  Veriphone has postponed several demonstrations in Chicago.  The city is taking this issue very seriously, and is working on a protocol for nonvisually accessible systems.  CTA is working on sounds to indicate when doors on subway cars are open.  Cheryl Echevarria of the Travel and Tourism Division has raised concerns about treatment of blind people by the airlines.  She would like to initiate a monthly conference call.
> Dave Meyer said that the chapter board recommends that we make a thousand-dollar donation to the state during Fifteen for Funds.  The motion was approved.  We will consider Games Night at the next meeting.  We need a song for the chapter to perform at IABS Idol.  The theme is independence. The flip of a coin determined that we will sing "My Life" by Billy Joel.
> The meeting was adjourned at 3:24.
> Respectfully submitted,
> Debbie Stein, Secretary 

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