[il-talk] chicago minutes june 2014

David Meyer datemeyer at sbcglobal.net
Tue Jul 22 15:45:38 UTC 2014

NFBI Chicago Chapter Minutes June 14 2014

Held at ExChequer Pub 226 South Wabash Ave

Chicago, IL 


David Meyer Chapter President

Jemal Powel Chicago 2nd v p

Doing introductions and head count

36 people in attendance at the meeting


Doing the Chapter memorial for Alan Glickman; bringing memories from Roberta
and other chapter members


Brought to the attention by David Meyer was a huge Lawrence Welch fan.  

Alan Glickman passed away passed away June 10, 2014 and grave yard ceremony
happened 12 June

Alan gave of himself to the Federation for many years and acknowledged he
worked in public transportation

Was employed by the Chicago Transit Authority

Alan gave of himself to the Associates fund raiser when that existed

Top performer

Now it is time to open the floor for comments

Eileen, Pam G and Steve H

Hear from Roberta 1st  


Roberta described his last days and experience from that and then going into
the hospital

Roberta Glickman described some Jewish traditions in regards to the ceremony


People gave their well wishes to Alan Glickman for a while during the
chapter meeting

It was acknowledged that Alan Glickman was a Three Stooges fan and Lawrence
Welch fan.

Don and Pam Gilmore and Byron Lee contributed to the music selections


Jim Regan had a heart attack and is on a pace maker

Responding to it well

Charlene and Bob  (chapter president bak in the 1980’s  has breast cancer

She is at home and talked to David Meyer  hoping to celebrate her 25th

Good news about Adam,  he has a kidney and is home already,  Pam G announced

Taking medication and preventative maintenance  and will be at the next
meeting that he is able to get to.

Steve Benson had a minor seizure and was not too major  and he has had
seizures before

This may be a result from a lot of medication

Ken Staley went to the hospital and had a problem  a pollop was taken off
and it was negative.


Nadia a new member Freedom Link  -  1st time here -  having issues with left
leg , muscles are torn and torn disc in her back

Grateful to be at the chapter meeting

Howard Wilson – back in May was asked to participate on a panel at
Northwestern University Hospital – 1st year medical students  importance of
disabled to get exercise

Adaptive sports 

A surgeon in a wheel chair has a stand up chair  and a para Olympian

Howard Wilson explaining how this panel might work -  adaptive sports

The approval of the May minutes

Jemal approves and then 2nd

All voted the minutes – approved


Debbie Stein has the floor

The Thought Provoker on the N F B web site and one was chosen for the


You don’t need that

A low vision person makes a doctor’s appointment and she has a long white
cane  -  she can see some

She uses her long white cane  -  someone tells her, “you don’t need that.”

Debbie Stein is reading the Thought Provoker #104

The doctor asked “what are you doing with that?”  The cane.

The doctor made that comment

It is difficult dealing with the medical community

Hastalis discusses when he was a little boy and how he eventually lost his

Hastalis had to deal with and come to terms with loss of eye sight

Avant  talks about how some of us have had some vision for some time

If I use my cane you can go anywhere I want

Reading writing

Get on top of books or speeches maybe it should be time to learn Braille

Do not have to make any adjustments

The medical profession is the worse when it comes to dealing with blindness


Chang made a comment – concerning dealing with using a cane and what it is

How to deal with the public reaction  and Patti chooses to travel safely


Pittman then Powell

Pittman agrees with Patti and Denise – how do we deal with medical

The benefits outweigh the down sides of the cane

Jemall -  agrees with Patti and Denise – adding a caveat – and he mentioned
to the doctor he is taking orientation and mobility lessons

Eye surgery funerals and dealing with learning to use a cane.


Greg – commenting  heading to Utah and discussing how he lost his vision and
losing it in an airport Salt Lake City

Margaret – took Delta Airlines – flight attendant offered the safety
instructions to her in Braille

She went to a class reunion and did not know how or if and what people would
think about her going blind.

Bruce is next -  a recent experience about something -  he is a volunteer at
the Children’s’ museum  and using a cane there or going into clubs and
pretending to dance with a cane.

People can understand what a cane is and possibly ignore it.  

Bruce thinks technology might replace the cane,  mmmmmmmm?  

Thinks technology is the answer and maybe not have to carry something all of
the time.


Interesting experience with a white cane  - she was about five she got her
first straight cane and gets to be independent – show her pride 

Had David Meyer had a cane, his experience would have been acceptable.  The
bus station issue

Several people gave examples of cane use from the public


Jemal came up with the program item and Debbie Stein read it


Patti Gregory Chang will now give the state report


National convention and the Caucus is July 3rd 7:30 a.m. and Salon 6

The get together is Lobby Bar 1st July 10 p.m. and can arrive earlier. 

Illinois has a table in exhibit hall and Leslie Hamric will handle the table

Glenn Moore will run the Banquet Exchange so he will handle the tickets,
bring your ticket to the Caucus

The phone number was given for Glenn


Covering the fund raising – Mary has one bag of bags to sell

Mary has draw string bags

Patti descries what the bags look like

Also Braille playing cards

Bags $6 each and card are $8 per deck

Patti is getting people to take product to sell for the fund raisers

Hats are also offered.  Hats are $10 a piece

Dave has confirmed that there will be 2 more certificate orders to do

August 30th is state board meeting

Naperville Mariott  (630)505-4900 is the number to call

October Fest at the Changs September 20 Saturday $25 per ticket

Patti will take reservations for this after Stat====national convention


You can now register on line for the state convention

State Convention will be October 31, 1 and 2 November 

Patti (773)307-6440 is the number

Last fund raiser is for an eye pad mini with retna display

Tickets are $5 each and you will buy the tickets on line 

Creating a link on www.nfbofillinois.org to enter the raffle for the I Pad

The raffle winner will be announced at at the January 2015 meeting all of
the members can and please participate in the raffle 

Name email address and anything to enter this raffle  buy as many tickets as
you want

Avant advised that if you have paratransit calls, please keep your voice
down so as not to disturb the meeting


Patti advised that the BELL program starts on Monday 16 June for 2 weeks

The Outreach event is July 20th for students in the NFB high school and
college students at Indiana Dunes 


National Convention funds were brought up  

$250 white can fund and $250 to Jernigan fund $250 SUN Fund and $250 to the
Ten Brooke fund

Hastalis asked to give a description of these funds to the new comer 

David Meyer speaks of committees

Changes in membership

Bob Widman is is co-chair Robert Hansen is chairman

New fan out lists 

The next get together is the annual NFB Chicago Chapter Picnic at Lincoln
Park Zoo and Landmark Café and cost is what you want to spent and you can
bring your own food

Noon until 4pm

The Board voted to hold a meeting in October and not one in November  2nd
Saturday and the have a read a thon.  

Take names and raise money for the read a thon beginning in August 

Will not have a meeting in November


Next Hastalis will discuss CTA matters

Jemal brings up the address for Zo is 2200 Cannon Drive for people using

Chang brings up getting together after meeting for dinner and a drink after

Hastalis brings up a CTA Rail Car awareness event at Lawrence and Kimball on
a Saturday in June

Scheduling conflict NFB and ACB chapters  this event will be held on July 26

9 a.m. until 11 a.m. and 11 a.m. 1 p.m.


3349 West Lawrence Avenue


81 Lawrence 82 Kimball-Homan and 93 California Dodge buses

The ADA advisory committee is July 14 Monday at 1:30 pm

Freedom Grant and Rail Car Awareness

Traffic Signal Timings 

Questioning whether or not the traffic signals are affected by the new

The meeting starts with Customer complaints and the meeting is from 1:30 pm
and runs to 3:30 pm

Then followed up by public comments

Manager of CTA ADA is Amy Serpe  Manaer CTA ADA compliance

Serpe needs to realize that blind organizations are to be taken seriously.

CTA ADA meeting is 567 West Lake Street  and gives transit options  56
Milwaukee Green Line

Meeting 2nd floor Meeting room

10 people will volunteer to attend the meeting

Pittman  Avant Powell Meyer Rosenberg Hansen Chang during public comments

Attendance at this meeting

Hastalis (773)508-5307

Now it is time for fund raising from Staley

Maybe a Sox ticket  (708)606-7091 is Meyer’s number Sox tickets are $25 each
Sox and Twins


Any old business?

Any new business?


Last call!


Vote Adjern  all in favor

Meeting at 3:13 pm  June 14 2014


Respectfully Submitted,


Robert Hansen, Secretary


David Meyer, NFB of Illinois

Coordinator and channel administrator, NFB-NewsLine

Chicago Chapter President


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