[il-talk] Thank you

Rose Sloan rosesloan920 at gmail.com
Tue Mar 18 12:47:45 UTC 2014


Thank you for the good ideas with regards to organizations to reach out to.
 Is ICB Illinois Council of the Blind?  If so, the ACB nationally, like the
National Disability Rights Network (the National organization that Equip
for Equality is a part of) favors 511 nationally (as Kelly said.)  If ICB
is a different organizations entirely, please enlighten me.

I have talked to DAWWN and Access Living, and I have a letter from the
Chicago Lighthouse.  Technically, this does not have to be disability
groups only.  For example, the AFL CIO supports the repeal of 14 c.

If you think of any other organizations, please let me know.

Thank you all again for all that you do,


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