[il-talk] Fwd: At Large Chapter Minutes For October,2014

Leslie Hamric lhamric930 at comcast.net
Sun Nov 9 23:44:13 UTC 2014

Sent from my iPhone

Begin forwarded message:

> From: "Charlene Elder" <1ladychar at sbcglobal.net>
> Date: November 9, 2014 at 3:14:15 PM CST
> To: <lhamric930 at comcast.net>
> Subject: At Large Chapter Minutes For October,2014
> Below are the At Large Chapter Minutes for October, 2014.
> At Large Chapter Minutes
> October 5, 2014
> Those present included:  Leslie Hamric, Robert Hansen,  Linda Hendle, Cid Weiner,  Charlene Elder, Dave Meyer, Christopher Watkins, Patti Chang, Chris Milsap, Bill Reif, Danny Mandrell, Denise Avant, Nominee, Gina Falvo, Patrick Olson, Larry Jennings, Dan Tevelde, Bob Gardner, and Jemal Powell.  There were nineteen people present. 
> The meeting began at 7:15 PM.  The minutes of the September, 2014 meeting were read and eventually approved with some minor corrections.  Dave Meyer moved to approve the Minutes and Denise Avant seconded the motion.  The motion was approved.
> Lauri Dishman was the presenter of the program.  She works with people with vision loss at Inner Focus, LLC.  Oktoberfest had the biggest turn-out from At Large.  There was about $2,000.00 profit. 
> IABS Idol will be a costume party.  Costumes are not necessary, but are welcome. 
> The IPad raffle was discussed and we were urged to sell tickets to family and friends.  Money can be sent to Glenn Moore or Patti Chang, if she becomes Treasurer. 
> At the At Large dinner, we will discuss White Cane activities, and what we have done for public education. 
> We discussed singing at IABS Idol and we discussed singing Thriller. 
> Dave Meyer played Presidential Release 432.  Many members participated in Leaders And Ledgers Seminars for Presidents and Treasurers. 
> October is Meet The Blind Month. 
> As a result of his negative experience at the Department Of Motor Vehicles, Bob Hansen will be preparing a resolution regarding providing training for Secretary Of State employees. 
> April 17 and 18, 2015 will be the Spring Seminar.  April 17 will be the Teachers Seminar.  On April 18, we will have a Student Seminar.  We will also have a Parents Seminar on that day.  Midway Holiday Inn in Chicago will be the site.  We will have a program with the Field Museum.  Bob Gardner joined us.  Jemal joined us.  Banners will be made for affiliates. 
> The Future Reflections list is being updated.  If you want to receive the publication,  let NFB national office know.  Call the National Office at (410) 659-9314 Extension 2344.  Send Email to nfbpublications at nfb.org Address:  200 East Wells Street, Baltimore, MD 21230. 
> On September 8 NFB had a press conference with the Blind Merchants and the Hadley School to improve training for blind merchants.  For more information contact Kevan Worley at kevanworley at blindmerchants.org.  Phone:  (866)  543-6808. 
> Stories are still needed about how the NFB has affected our lives and how the Federation has made a difference.  Send to:
> officeofthepresident at nfb.org. 
> The American Council Of Education has come out against our Teach Act.  We are continuing to have high level discussions.  We need to do outreach at the local level.  There is misunderstanding about the real experiences blind students are having.  We must find people within the college community to support this Act.  Educators must come to understand what the Teach Act does and why it is important.
> The KNFB Reader was released and has been selling well.  Show the reader off and find ways for blind people to get it on their devices. 
> Our National Association Of Guide Dog Users has released an app which highlights federal and state laws particularly regarding guide dogs, or service animals. 
> The meeting concluded at 8:45 PM.
> Dave Meyer moved to adjourn and Linda  Hendle seconded.  Our meeting will be on November 9, at 7:00 PM.  (805) 360-1000 Code 6324. 
> Respectfully Submitted,
> Charlene Elder,
> Secretary-Treasurer

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