[il-talk] NFBI Convention Audio Conference Call Notes

Byron J. Lee byron at byronlee.com
Wed Oct 29 14:59:42 UTC 2014

People in attendance:
Debbie P
Debbie S
Steve Hastalis
Leslie H

Absent but promised to help:
Robert H
Glenn Moore

Other potential volunteers
Robert Gardner
Debbie Birmingham
Edward Birmingham
Dan Dwyer
Cathy Stepp
Jessie Rodgers
Bruce Paul
James Dickman
Kurt Dickman
Brian Sumner
Austin Mages

If anyone who wishes to volunteer is not listed here, please contact 
Byron and he will make sure you have something to do on the Audio Committee.

Patti To send Byron Austin Mages contact Send Dan Dwyer stuff

Byron to connect with Julia

Byron's contact info is:
byron at byronlee.com
773 633 4799

Backup Contact for Audio:
Steve 773 848 5307

Byron arriving between 7:30 and 8:30 depending on transportation.

Thursday Night Setup (Starting at 8-ish, couldn't hurt to show up early!)

Tear down and set-up are the two biggest jobs, we need all the 
volunteers we can get. If you were not on the conference call and would 
like to help please make a point to show up to either Set-Up or Tear Down!

Jobs To Be Done:

1. Unload and Sort Equipment (Debbie Stein, Debbie Pittman, Marco, 
Steve, Francisco, maybe Glenn?)
Steps: Help Chang family unload and deliver audio equipment to the main 
room, unpack and sort equipment, untangle loose wires, re-wrap loose 
wires, assist in any lifting or moving of heavy equipment to proper spot 
of the room.

2. Set Up Microphone Stands (Steve, Bill, Marco, Byron)
Steps: Unfold mic stands, put on clips, put mics in clips, plug mics in, 
run cables to the snake, plug mics into snake while keeping tabs on 
which mic went into which input of snake, run snake to the audio table. 
(you will have to get creative about running cables under table skirts 
and under the stage)

Bring Braille Labels for audio snake
(Debbie Pitmann, Leslie H)

3. Set Up Speakers (Steve, Bill, Marco, Byron)
Steps: Set up speaker stands, put speakers on stands, plug speakers in, 
run cable between speakers and audio table (you will have to get 
creative about running cables behind the stage)

4. Cable Tapedown (Debbie Stein, Bill)
Steps: Tape down excess cable between audio table and mic snake, tape 
down cable between speakers and audio table. Tape down extension cables 
between audio table and power outlet if any.

Byron to get it if Debbie P cannot

5. Audio Table Hook-Up (Byron, Steve, Marco)
Steps: Hook up mics to mixer careful to note which mics are going into 
which inputs (these should match the numbers on the snake), hook up 
wireless mic, hook up external mixer and all external equipment for 
streaming, hook mixer up to amplifier, hook speakers up to amplifier, 
apply power and test.

Morning Pre-Setup:

Jobs To Be Done:

1. Inspection (Byron, Steve, Bill)
Steps: Re-test everything, make sure all connections are tight and that 
nothing was forgotten.

2. Last Minute Shopping (Francisco)
Steps: Drive to electronics or music store, buy or assist in buying any 
emergency last minute materials, deliver receipts from treasurer.

3. Scheduling (Byron, Steve)
Steps: Work with convention presenters and chief officers to accomidate 
any last minute changes in schedule, location, or other variables, 
assist in percuring equipment needed for presentations later in the weekend.

Friday, Saturday and Sunday General Sessions:

Jobs To Be Done

1. Mic Runner (Gina, Dan Dwyer, Kathy Stepp, Sharon Rogers, Debbie 
Steps: Walk around the room and bring wireless microphone to people who 
wish to speak, change batteries when you suspect the mic is dying, bring 
mic to prize table when they want to draw names, keep track of the mic 
as it can go missing easily.

2. Mic Adjuster (Gina, Dan Dwyer, Kathy Stepp, Sharon Rogers, Debbie 
Steps: Watch the microphones or listen on headphones at audio table, 
adjust mics when they are knocked off kilter, adjust mic height or 
length depending on presenters' needs, check mic connection when and if 
a mic gets unplugged and is rendered unhearable.

3. Video Manager (Eliza Ellet,
Nelly Gamino)
Steps: Acquire and set-up projector if not already done, help presenters 
hook up laptop or other playback device to projector (video or audio), 
run slideshows if presenter doesn't have a remote control, turn off 
projector when not being used, dim or raise the lights when needed. 
(projector may be needed in various rooms, so this job means you need to 
work with whoever needs the projector at any time)

4. Audio Manager (Byron)
Steps: Watch the stream for any dropping, monitor audio in headphones 
and adjust levels when required, keep all un-used mics down low to 
prevent excess noise or picking up whispering of people who don't wish 
to speak on the mic, keep an ear out for dropped channels or crackle, be 
prepared to play sound effects, audio clips, audio from videos, etc, 
provide audio cables to external devices such as Media Players and 
Laptops, talk and or play music during breaks or recess, alert those who 
may be walking near the audio table and direct them past it.

Friday Evening (IABS Idol):

1. Pre-IDOL Crew: (Byron, Brianna Lillyman, Marco, Julia Chang)
Steps: About an hour before IDOL, take 2 wired microphones and re-adjust 
them to serve as floor stands, rip up the cables and tape then back 
down, place wireless mic by the IABS area, where the MC will sit (MC and 
Judges will share wireless mic), test mixer, music playback and mics.

2. Mic Adjuster (Julia, Brianna, Jimmie Dickman)
Steps: Re-adjust mic height if talent has trouble, adjust mic for 
sitting if needed, adjust mic for guitar/other instrument and singing if 
needed, fix mic or mic stand if it falls over or breaks, change 
batteries in wireless mic if it starts to die, assist in locating the 
wireless mic if and when it gets lost.

3. DJ (Byron)
Steps: Monitor microphone level, play music, queue up special sound 
effects if needed, search for or download last minute requests, assist 
in any other IDOL needs.

4. DJ Assistant (Dave?, Robert Hansen?, Call Brianna for Suggestions)
Steps: Download last minute requests and listen to them to make sure 
they are good copies, transfer them to DJ via Dropbox, communicate with 
MC if DJ is busy, take over DJing if DJ has to pee or is otherwise 
occupied, assist in all IDOL DJing duties.

5. Post-IDOL Crew (Byron, Call Julia or Brianna for Suggestions)
Steps: Move 2 floor mics to table, reconfigure them for table mode, tape 
the mics back down, replace wireless mic battery regardless of battery 
level (better safe than sorry), make sure room is ready for Saturday event.

Special Events Audio Needs:

Parents of Blind Children Breakfast: Room A (Byron will use his iPhone 
to Stream, Bill to record with VR Stream)

Student Breakfast: Room A (Byron will use his iPhone to Stream, Bill to 
record with VR Stream)

IABS Luncheon: Main Room (Using main audio table equipment)

Parents Seminar: Room A (Hotel Audio, no stream or recording)

Teen Scene: Room C (Patti and Dave to set up Chicago Equipment during 
IDOL the night before)

Significant Others Break-out: Room C (Dave will break down equipment 
after event, no stream, no recording)

NFBI Kid Kamp (No Audio, No Stream, No Recording)

Post-Convention Tear-Down Crew:

(Patti, Julia, Francisco, Byron, Steve, Bill, Marco, Dave, Leslie, 
Debbie Pittman, Debbie Stein, Ever Lee, Glenn?, Robert Hansen?)

Jobs To Be Done

1. Mic Dis-assemblers
Steps: Unplug mics and take the out of the clips, place mics in bubble 
wrap, untape and wrap cables, put cables in plastic bin, remove clips 
and put with mics if possible, if not put them in their own bag, unscrew 
tri-pods and fold up, tighten screws, place tri-pods back in vinyl bags, 
zipper them up and place near plastic bins, untape audio snake and 
disconnect from board, wrap snake and place in plastic bin (wrap it in 
bubble wrap if possible), look around for any audio equipment that may 
be laying around and make sure it doesn't belong to the hotel before 
packing it.

2. Speaker Dis-assemblers
Steps: Unplug speakers, take speakers off stands, fold stands, remember 
to loosen screws and tighten them once folded again, place stands in 
vinyl bags, untape speaker cable, disconnect speakers from board, wrap 
cables, place in plastic bins, look around for any audio equipment that 
may be laying around and make sure it doesn't belong to the hotel before 
packing it.

3. Board Disconnect: Unplug all cables from board, check with Byron to 
make sure some of the cables don't belong to him, wrap cables, stow 
loose adapters in plastic box, unplug power BUT do not unplug power 
until Byron has his laptop packed as he may be saving audio files and 
power loss may result in damaged files, pack all cables and adapters in 
plastic bins, pack mixer and amplifier in seperate plastic bins to 
distribute weight, be careful to keep everything organized and neatly 
wrapped, avoid putting cables or adapters that go together in seperate 
bins, look around for any audio equipment that may be laying around and 
make sure it doesn't belong to the hotel before packing it.

4. Re-Sort, Pack, and Load Equipment
Steps: If equipment is placed in bags or bins where they don't belong 
repack them, manage space appropriately in bins, pack everything that 
can be in bubble wrap or protective packing, nothing heavy should go on 
top, help load bins or other heavy equipment onto the cart, help load 
the Chang family vehicle with bins and other equipment.

5. Chicago Equipment (Dave and Patti will coordinate to make sure it 
gets taken back to Changs home, Patti will bring to December meeting)
Steps: This equipment is on loan from the Chicago Chapter and is needed 
for their local meetings, if it is not already packed and accounted for 
please do so, open case and double check that all peices of Chicago 
Chapter equipment are present. Make sure this equipment gets into the 
Chang Family vehicle.

6. Hotel Equipment
Steps: All hotel equipment must be returned to the hotel, make sure that 
none of it gets packed and that it is left somewhere where the hotel 
staff will find it.

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