[il-talk] notes BELL Committee 4/24/18

Patti Chang pattischang at gmail.com
Wed Apr 25 01:33:52 UTC 2018

Here are our committee notes from tonight. They are rough. I hope they are


NFBI committee meeting 

4/24/18 7:30 PM

641 715 3273 code 235518          





Field trips 

Outreach calls 


Background checks 

Acknowledgement letters

State convention 



Patti Chang 

Amy Lund

Bill Reif 

Sara Luna 

Debbie Stein 

Chaquita Vinson


Initial matter:

Patti relayed that she will need a conversation with Brooklyn Geers one of
our teachers. 



Dates are set. Chicago July 9-20. Springfield 7/30-8/4.

We are at the Y in the gym or the pool. Church is set. 



Chicago is all set. 

Springfield - Northfield Inn and suites. Parents will probably drive. 

Amy to check on Springfield Access. Share rides if need be. 


Field trips 

Amy figuring out fieldtrips for Springfield. 

Roller skating.

Maybe Lincoln home with Amy making things accessible.



Chicago - Kayak is happening. Pool maybe but river would be better.

Beep kick ball 

Grocery shopping 

Judo 17th or 19th on the Northside. 17th would be preferrable. 

Sara to follow up on Judo. 

Amy to send Sarah list of questions for Bret. 



Debbie to reach out to Sarah, Linda and both Pams for outreach 

Bill, Julieta, and Chaquita to finish calls. 



Amy and Chaquita to meet on volunteers. Chaquita to coordinate but Amy needs
to explain.  

Katlin Ryan, Amy Bosco, and Emma Meyer are good potential young people. 

Debbie Stein and Janna Stein are a maybe.

Bill and Robert are good too.

Peter T. NIU students through Lauren. 


Background checks 

We want to check everyone.

Patti to reach out to Denise to do background checks on all and 

We will all send names and emails to Amy to develop Excel spreadsheet with
all volunteers to go to our national office. 


Thank you/Acknowledgemtn letters 

We will ask kids to do them as part of the program and we will let parents
know that we need theirs before I can issue checks or other documentation. 


State convention 

All teachers are expected to attend state convention. This will be
considered if they reapply.

All parents will be asked early on to come to convention and we will let
them know that some financial assistance is available. 


Next Mtg

5/24/18 at 7:00 PM

641 715 3273 code 235518



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