[il-talk] Letter to Senators

Debbie Pittman debbiepittman99 at gmail.com
Tue May 8 16:58:52 UTC 2018

Hello All:
I am pasting in a copy of the letter to the senators that I have put
together.  If anyone wants me to put them on this letter before I  e-mail
it, please contact me by e-mail or phone at 773-779-1856.
Debbie P
May 8, 2018 


Senators  Tammy Duckworth and Senator Dick Durbin 


Dear Senators Duckworth and Senator Durbin:


I am an Illinois constituent and a  member of the National Federation of the
Blind.  It has been brought  to my attention that neither one of the
Illinois senators have taken a  position on the Marrakesh Implementation
Act.  This is senate bill S. 2559.  I  have also learned that the Senate
Judiciary Committee will be voting on the Marrakesh Implementation Act, S.
2559, this week on Thursday, May 10. 


I am strongly urging you to support Senator Grassley the bill sponsor as
well as the following current cosponsors: 


Bob Corker (TN) 

Dianne Feinstein (CA)

Kamala Harris (CA)

Orrin Hatch (UT) 

Patrick Leahy (VT) 

Bob Menendez (NJ)


For me, your support of this bill would mean that if I or any other blind
person needed a book that was available in another  country in an accessible
format, we would be able to get it without a whole lot of red tape, and,
thereby, level the playing field and put us on a  level with our sighted
counterparts.  This bill would expand reading options for millions of blind
and other Americans with print challenges in the entire United States. 


Next, I  am requesting that both our Illinois senators cosponsor S. 732/H.R.
1734, the Access Technology Affordability Act. This bill will increase
opportunities for blind Americans to get the access technology they need to
secure education and employment.  


Thank you for your support of blind Americans and their right to life,
liberty and the pursuit of happiness as afforded all American citizens
through our constitution. Your support of  these bills would help to
demonstrate your belief in the right to blind people living the lives we
want, while setting a  positive example to others  in positions of







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