[il-talk] Pizza Social at State Convention

Marilyn Green marilynvgreen at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 13:26:59 UTC 2018

Greetings federationists,

In one short week we will join together for our 50 year anniversary of NFBI. I am excited to see all of you this year.

Some members have RSVPd for the At Large pizza dinner and it is appreciated but not required. It helps to have a head count in order to make sure that we have enough pizza and soda. So far, the following people have RSVPd:

Steve H., Jemal P., Gina F., Pam G., Leslie H., Linda H., Alisa G., Cathy R.

The social is open to all NFBI members, not just those from the At Large chapter. Please pay your $10 in cash at the registration table with Pat Olsen and we will see you on Friday, October 26 at 5pm, room # to be determined.

Again, thanks to Leslie Hamric for hosting this gathering in my absence.


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