[IL-Talk] September Chicago chapter Meeting Notes - Draft 3

davant1958 at gmail.com davant1958 at gmail.com
Thu Nov 4 18:45:22 UTC 2021

Chicago Chapter Meeting Notes 

Hybrid (At Exchequer & on Zoom)

September 11, 2021


Chapter President Denise Avant called the meeting to order at 1pm and
announced that since today is September 11 we will have a moment to stand in
the honor of those who died in 2001. Pam brought her bell and proceeded to
ring it 11 times to mark the occasion. Denise noted that this is a hybrid
meeting and that if you are zoom you should mute yourself unless you are
speaking. Questions and comments can be made by raising one's hand on zoom.
For those in the room she reminded everyone that they should have their mask
on when not eating or drinking and that wipes are available to wipe down the
wireless mask between each use. 



Denise Avant - Chicago Chapter President, 1st Vice President on State Board,
& National Board Member

Michal Nowicki 

Ed Birmingham

Steve Hastalis

Marco Gianatti

Mary Lou Grunwald - she turned 70 last week and celebrated by going to a
grooms club and having a dinner and went out with friends the following day
and thanked those that showed up in person for that celebration.

Danielle Timmons - wife of Andrew Garza

Andrew Garza - presenter for today, husband of Danielle

Debbie Stein

Ken Schad

Eileen Truschke - her mother will be 90 next month

Pam Gilmore - resident bell ringer

Sara Luna - recently became an aunt on July 21st to a beautiful baby boy 

Ken Borst - really nothing else going on right now

Jemal Powell - second Vice-President, glad to be among you, glad to make it

Melissa Fuller 

Dustin Cather 



Dave Meyer - former freedom link student, Nadia Sherman, wanted to be at the
meeting but is in the emergency room as we speak. She's had a terrible year
with COVID and other issues so please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

Kira O'Bradovich - Secretary, glad to have the option to be here on zoom,
especially for those of us with pre-existing conditions

Ellen Bartelt - in Philadelphia so she cannot be there in person and has
begun student teaching at Otis Elementary school and is working with 3rd and
4th graders

Linda Hendle - glad to join, not that much is going on there, just hanging
in there

Patti Chang - was muted due to watering flowers but is present

Howard Wilson - glad to join everyone 

Dan Tevelde - glad to be here, just getting over a nasty cold otherwise
thing are fine

Greg Rosenberg- is now functionally blind

Gina Falvo - from her living room in Homewood, Monday will be two years
since her mom passed, she and her sister just returned from visiting her
grave and sends her blessing to those with birthdays and everyone

Glenn Moore 


33 present, 17 in person and 16 on zoom


Denise then turned over the meeting to Dustin Cather who is a member of the
program committee to introduce our program item for this afternoon. He
introduced Andrew Garza as the captain of the Blackhawks Blind Hockey Team,
but Andrew joked and noted that unfortunately he is not a captain. He goes
by Drew and has played hockey since he was a child. At 27 he started to have
complications with diabetes and at the end of the retinopathy has about 20%
of his vision left. He is now 34 and didn't receive any directions but after
about five years he looked and found the Chicago Blackhawks Blind Hockey
team. IT's a minor adapted sport, same ice, goals are a foot shorter, pucks
are 5 inches across, 2 inches tall. They go on a scaling system, B1, B2, B3
to determine which position you play. Those with any type of visual
impairment are welcome and it's an outstanding opportunity to grow in a team
atmosphere and be with your peers to commiserate with those who have gone
through what you have. They take anyone from kids that are 3-4 to adults who
are in their 80s. The goalie is in his forties, only started 3 years ago but
is now being considered for the national team. There are 20 teams across the
country, so they are working to grow. The Windy city blind hockey showdown
took place here in Chicago, first hosted and first broadcasted on YouTube.
Goal is to raise awareness of visual impairment and the fact that they are
doing things that many say they couldn't.  Denise asked that he go into some
further detail on how the game is played. 

5 on 5 everything is basically regular hockey, puck is a bit larger, goalies
are 100% blind, if they have any perception, they wear blindfolds so that's
why the goal is about a foot shorter for safety. Defensemen have 5% of their
vision left, considered B2s. Anyone with 10% or more play offense. There is
a pass whistle that goes off to allow the goalie to know that a shot could
be coming in otherwise it's the same rules, they still have offsides. It's
hockey at its purest. Denise asked if the puck has any sound inside and Drew
explained it's made out of sheet steel with 8 steel ball bearings and they
play with that since it gives more surface area for the balls to bounce off
of and they are working on a continuous sound ball like they use in
beep-baseball. They used to play with soup cans. Jemal asked where the games
were played, practice is every Saturday from 3:30pm-5pm in DuPage. They
don't play games, but they do play tournaments and have upcoming ones
planned in St. Louis, Pittsburgh, and another Windy City Showdown with 12
games and a tri-hockey event in Chicago this next year. They will supply
equipment and coaching for anyone who would like to try, even if it's just
to ice skate. Dave asked if checking was allowed and if so if there were any
limitations, Drew stated that there was no checking. Debbie asked about the
history and start, if they were affiliated with the Great Lakes Association
for Special Athletics. Drew shared that it was started in the 70s in Canada
and there were no set leagues just spread out and would join together and
play. In 2014 Kevin Shandley and Kristine McDermott went to a blind hockey
tournament in Toronto and were the only Americans to ever play. They brough
it back to New York and formed the NY Nightshade. From there they brought it
to Chicago who worked with the Blackhawks to make it the first official
branch in the US. The hope is that leagues can eventually be made for
children to allow them to play with and against their peers. It's difficult
when it's all ages for learning so that is the goal for the future. It was
then asked by Mary Lou if there was anyone coordinating the branch here and
Drew stated that he'd noted the National Chapter was over it but that he
leads the showdown itself. Drew shared his contact info: argarza39 at gmail.com
<mailto:argarza39 at gmail.com>  so if anyone has any interest please reach
out. One member noted she'd participate in hockey in high school but she's
not great at ice skating and wondered if ice skating lessons were offered.
Drew stated that yes, that is something they offer, especially at the
showdown. In blind hockey there are red advanced, white intermediate, and
blue players who are still learning to skate so while they do have walkers
to help, they also have coaches. Sara Luna asked with the Paralympics if he
knew if blind hockey had spread beyond the US and Canada and Drew stated
that while the US and Canada both have national blind teams, with the
Paralympics in 2026 they need to have 6 teams available. Right now, Drew
said that we have the US, Canada, Russia, Italy, England, Sweden, Finland,
and one other. Russia actually sent representatives to the US to view and
learn about our programs and then expand what they are doing. 2026 may be a
push but by 2030 he thinks is very possible for blind hockey to be an
official sport in the Paralympics. Pam then asked us to sing the Chicago
Blackhawk song and Dave hummed a tune. Ed asked about paying for ice time,
he shared that he used to play a lot of hockey years ago. Drew said that you
do not need to pay but if you are going to pay for anything but if possible,
you may want to buy your own skates. Tournaments are an expense but there is
support. Ed also asked if there was transit to these events that was
included, and Drew said no it was independent. Then he asked if an "old guy
like me" is going to play with a "young guy like you". He reiterated that a
teammate is totally blind, pushing 60, and is on the national team. Ed then
joked about who would tie our skates for us and then asked how the whistle
is able to differentiate between pass and flow and Drew noted that they make
different sounds. Ed encouraged all to play, his friends is a vendor up in
Minnesota loves it. Melissa asked if women were included and Drew confirmed
that they were and were welcome. With no further questions, Denise thanked
Drew for coming and explaining blind hockey to us and welcomed him to be
involved and learn more about the NFB. 


The Presidential Release was then played.


Denise asked Sara Luna to take up the collection. Nadia Sherman joined
during the release and shared that she hoped to be at convention. Denise
then went to the state president report and since Marilyn had to work today
Denise will g


October 22-24th is the State Convention at the Sheraton in Lisle at 3000
Warrenville Road, with a room rate of $99 per night plus taxes and if you
want to make your hostel reservations you need to do so by September 30th.
Some of you may be aware of the policy of the convention regarding COVID and
there will be more on this later. The telephone number for registering with
the hotel is 630-505-1000. There is a shuttle schedule on IL-Talk that Patti
sent out this morning to allow attendees to travel between the train station
and the hotel. They've arranged it to when most people are coming in.
Shuttle is going to be going out on Friday at 12:30, 2:30, and 4:30, none on
Saturday but 12:30, 2:30, and 4:30 will go out on Sunday. They are timed in
light of train schedules so if you're needing something outside of those
times you will need to arrange your own transit. It was then asked if a PACE
bus runs near the hotel on Sunday and Jemal confirmed it does not run on
Sundays. Ellen asked if it will be expensive to take an uber from the train
to hotel and Dustin shared it was about $12 when he went for the board


Denise then noted that the convention will open with a fun activity,
Debbie's art instructor will be coming out to a sculpting activity. Then,
the resolutions committee will follow. Deadlines for resolutions is this
Wednesday, August 15th so any submissions need to be sent to Dustin Cather
at cather.dustin at gmail.com <mailto:cather.dustin at gmail.com>  (309) 267-7670
or Michal Nowicki treasurer at nfbofillinois.org
<mailto:treasurer at nfbofillinois.org>  (847) 361-9403. 


IABS Idol will follow the committee meeting, this year's theme is "Fight
Songs", so the Chicago Chapter will need to pick a song to perform together.
On Saturday morning the convention will start, Anil Lewis the National
Representative will be present and will speak. He will be giving the
national presidential report and giving a banquet address. A panel
discussion on business ownership will be done by Steve Pangere, Sabrina
Simmons, and Tim Coleman who all run companies. We will also hear from Dala
Jurdo who will be speaking on living life with an additional disability
beyond just her blindness and Denise noted we need to be more aware and
consider additional disabilities within our affiliate. Joe Natale from the
library will be present and Ingrid Halvorson will be present from the
Illinois Bureau of Blind Services. On Sunday morning Braille is Beautiful
will l take place. Registration is $5 and after October 7th it will be $20
as well as an increase in meal costs of $5 per meal following October 7th.
If you need assistance in registering, Patti will be able to assist you
(773) 307-6440 or David Meyer (708) 606-7091 or Denise (773) 991-8050. Door
Prizes are being managed by Mary Lou Grunwald and this year because we are
having a hybrid convention door prizes will only be more so send all to
Michal Nowicki through Zelle at treasurer at nfbofillinois.org
<mailto:treasurer at nfbofillinois.org> . She said it needs to be sent early
and that physical items cannot be donated. She also said she will in touch
with updates. Checks can be sent to Michal as well at 5128 N. Oak Park Ave.,
Chicago, IL 60656. Denise pointed out that if you're coming you can bring
cash but Zelle is the best way.


Steve shared that the collection raised $78 today including a $2 bill. 


Denise then moved to pass the minutes from the August meeting. 


Ellen shared that IABS will have prizes for IABS idol this year. First
place, $20 amazon gift card, second an Illinois state t-shirt and third
place a koozie. They are also accepting video submissions,
gmoorerd3 at gmail.com <mailto:gmoorerd3 at gmail.com>  and they must be submitted
by October 18th. If you donate the most money you will be able to pie one of
the students in the face after the banquet, ponchos will be provided. 


Chicago Chapter Board Business & Updates:

Denise then updated the chapter on the need to change the signatories on the
bank account to Denise, Patti, and Steve due to their roles as President,
VP, and treasurer, and the motion was voted on and approved. She then shared
that the board plans to donate $500 this year to fifteen for funds instead
of the $1000 they did last year since the treasury has about $1200 less in
it. Motion was voted on and approved. Then she said that the board decided
to donate $100 on behalf of the chapter to the door prize funds for
convention. Motion was voted on and approved. Blind Equality Achievement
month was also discussed at the board meeting for the month of October. Some
ideas mentioned but not voted on were going to a library to read to children
from a book in braille and a blood drive which had bene done in the past.
Patti then mentioned that the COVID policy adopted by the state affiliate
has been shared online. Highlights include masking unless eating or drinking
actively, staying in place while eating or drinking, and noting that
meetings that are 30 or more will need contactless temperatures to be done,
this will need to be purchased. For overnight in-person events, this will
apply to our upcoming state convention, the board has decided that everyone
who attends in person whether you are vaccinated or not needs to get a COIVD
test within 72 hours of the convention start, so after 4pm on Tuesday and
test result needs to be sent to the president's designee, Patti for this
event, by 4am on Friday morning. Illinois Department of Public health has
many sites for free COVID testing and she sent that out on IL-Talk and
results need to be sent to her either by forwarding or telling testing
location to send to Patti at pattischang at gmail.com
<mailto:pattischang at gmail.com> . You can also take a picture and text them
to her at (773) 307-6440. 


Denise mentioned that she asked for some social distancing and tables spread
out for this meeting and so we may want to avoid big, long tables and split
into smaller groups for safety. She then asked if anyone would like to stay
after the meeting so they can get them set up. 

Melissa, Eileen, Ken Chad, Jemal, Steve, Sara, Debbie Stein, Ed, Marco, &
Mary will stay. 


Denise then mentioned the three fundraising items that the board voted to
prepare and plan for respecting the policy put forth for COVID. It's the
same as what the affiliate in Maryland uses and that they are doing an
indoor crab fundraiser and it's going well in the planning stages. Right
now, we have two tentative set dates, the Beggar's Fundraiser on November
17th and Games Night on the second Saturday in January. All of these dates
and times are planned, not set in stone so we will hold them if we can but
COVID safety and weather will be taken into account as we near each event.
Pam mentioned that ACB is having their fundraiser on the 22nd of this month
so we may want to think about supporting them as they have supported us. Ed
asked if hybrid participation in the Auction would be possible and Denise
noted that that would be done. Jemal reminded everyone that a few years ago
people were able to bid online so there's precedence for that option. Motion
to go forward was approved. 


As Legislative Chair, Kira noted that the committee is looking at issues
with local transit announcements for CTA transit. In particular those on the
new L trains. She heard from a deaf organization that it actually is more
accessible for that community but unfortunately for the blind community the
announcements are no longer done through the press of a button by the
operator as the train arrives but rather now automatically are done when the
doors open leaving little time to board after gaining access to that
information. She noted she is reaching out to Amy Serpe to request a meeting
on this topic and if no headway can be made, we will look into other options
including reaching out to Alderman as needed and possibly sending this up to
Steve to work on this at the state level.


If you're interested in sending a check to the American Council of the Blind
Metro Chicago please contact Dave. Jemal then reminded everyone that we
still need to select a song for IABS talent and he recommended the Notre
Dame fight song. Chicago suggested Bare Down Chicago Bears. Steve suggested
the Illinois fight song. Greg suggested Hit Me with Your Best Shot. Ellen
suggested We are the Champions. Votes were taken, and it was tied between
Bare Down and Hit Me, Denise broke the tie and chose Bare Down Chicago Bears
for our chapter fight song.

Eileen reminded us that we will not be meeting in October. Denise stated
that since we have our convention in October, traditionally we do not meet
during the month of state convention and since she will also be out of town
the board voted to cancel. The motion was approved. 


The next chapter meeting will be on December 13th, the second Saturday of
December. Melissa mentioned that she'd be having a Strabismus procedure and
wanted anyone who'd had one to reach out if possible, her number is (312)
848-8937. Kira noted she had and would be in touch.


Jemal brought up the idea of singing Happy Birthday for the future meetings
of this chapter for those who have birthdays during that month. Denise asked
if anyone had a birthday and Mary reminded her she'd had one and said we
should start the transition. Happy Birthday was sung. 


Denise moved to adjourn at 2:48pm. Motion approved. 



Signed and Submitted by, 

Kira O'Bradovich


Chicago Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Illinois 





Denise Avant, ESQ

1st Vice President

National Federation of the Blind of Illinois

For more information about NFBI,

Go to www.nfbofillinois.org


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