[IL-Talk] CTA Accessibility Survey

Kira O'Bradovich kobradov at gmail.com
Tue Aug 8 23:30:22 UTC 2023

Hello Chicago Transit Riders!

On behalf of the Chicago Advocacy & Legislative Committee, I invite and
implore you all to complete the CTA Ridership Accessibility Survey at
https://www.research.net/r/CTAaccess, by August 20th!

JAWS, NVDA, VoiceOver, and TalkBack are supported by this survey. Further
details follow my signature line including an email to contact if you have
any issues accessing but please also me know as well.

Whether we rely on these services daily or even once a decade, they are
essential to ensure independence and accessibility for us all. Now is our
chance to provide data they need and we need to continue to work to ensure
we have a system that works for all.

With thanks,
kobradov at gmail.com

We want to hear from you!

CTA is seeking feedback from riders with disabilities and the people who
assist them about their experiences accessing and riding CTA bus and rail.
The purpose of the survey is to better understand the accessibility
barriers riders face and identify opportunities to improve access and
comfort. Click here to take the survey
<https://www.research.net/r/CTAaccess> and complete by August 20th, 2023.

Para completar la encuesta en español, visita este enlace

Questions or comments about the survey? Contact us at
marketresearch at transitchicago.com.

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