[IL-Talk] FW: NBP News: January is Braille Literacy Month!

Robert Gardner rgardner4 at gmail.com
Fri Jan 26 02:12:54 UTC 2024



Bob Gardner

NFBI Braille Literacy Committee


From: National Braille Press <enews at nbp.org> 
Sent: Thursday, January 25, 2024 3:54 PM
To: rgardner4 at gmail.com
Subject: NBP News: January is Braille Literacy Month!


Join us a an advocate for braille and celebrate Braille Literacy Month!

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Braille Needs a Champion

Celebrate Braille Literacy Month and advocate for braille!

No matter the size, every advocate for braille is a true champion, and our very own Future Braille All-Star Sanibel Davis proves it! Super Sanibel Designs was founded by Davis, who is a 3rd grader, entrepreneur and changemaker. As Sanibel learns braille, she has been teaching it to friends and family so they can learn along with her. SSD products extend that sharing, supporting her interest in sparking conversations around blindness, and showing off how cool braille is. Sanibel’s greeting cards are brailled by Sanibel in a ladder-sentence style, where each line progressively adds a new word or punctuation.  





This format mimics a style of homework that her TVI assigns to her, and it also makes it easier for folks unfamiliar with braille to decode.  Sanibel started her business last November by creating braille cards and in addition to learning about business (including cost of goods sold), she also chose to donate 20% of her sales to National Braille Press.  Less than 2 months later, Sanibel excitedly stood by her parents as the check for $68 to NBP was written on her birthday (which is also World Braille Day).  Multiple requests for more Braille cards prompted Sanibel to make SSD a year-round business, with various messages and designs.  All cards are Brailled by Sanibel, and designed/assembled by her with minimal help.  Every year on her birthday, Sanibel will have a check ready for National Braille Press from her annual sales, as she believes that it’s great to give as well as get gifts on her birthday. 


You can celebrate Braille Literacy Month and join Sanibel in becoming a Braille Literacy Champion today! 

 <https://email.nbp.org/e3t/Ctc/RE+113/chlLR04/VWb6MJ4BC9tkW1BW78M6nP2J8W6phD5r58KN1-N7PgQ263qgyTW7lCdLW6lZ3mWW7-KSjR60GZJWW265FB73YbHpRW2z974g8hJBXsW7qbZKQ5Q3yMzW7ZG6nt7Mx75qW3mF79G427Y0RW4vcKTc96vb-yW21499d7RvSjGW2fKC4g9hM2p_W48sCZq2Qm-ZpW45yskx7sVJ1pW6bxmN719S8nLW3Y1tZX42L_gNW3Bpk582Fb43LW1KYG0j6wm2VTW1tKJzC2-SfXWW30Hh9t4686Q8W7KqStd26y3JjW2PCWRK6FbYBFN1k2lDF9vmP7W1J20f16cbMs6N6Y0pnCnfmlzW3Dt4rw668LFFW8t9Xy03LFH1Hf5pQBdH04> Become a Braille Champion! 


 <https://email.nbp.org/e3t/Ctc/RE+113/chlLR04/VWb6MJ4BC9tkW1BW78M6nP2J8W6phD5r58KN1-N7PgQ2q3qgyTW7Y8-PT6lZ3pjW3SzfQM8NhmMbW8HnRL383qB0cW2WJvYS4DCCpXW2Mt7_Y4whGzMV2GSB94bkssDVJ9vMY8tGMdrW7zFYpt5-2yFDW2Cm9KN7DDFSLW7_yLGp6KP67LVxJBXs8wc_PqW1H_09r3RcTtHW375k9L7NBhL3W4W8PP46lWf9XW1hhpjf5wh6xHVcc7-q1p-8b8W3Qvzlg89ppx_W14sGkc6l8H6WW7VfCR58gZGfpW3mnbgS2nKMgRW6r0smD48ppGPV825t38_0SFGN946p2N60lmzW6K9w9b7mjr8MW3J4v-n7N78JnVVHzjk68hNndVmn1Kx54yKcvf4qjFLz04> View the Super Sanibel Designs Product Catalog Here! 




January Officially Proclaimed Braille Literacy Month in Massachusetts

The Massachusetts Governor has proclaimed January as Braille Literacy Month in Massachusetts to raise awareness of the importance of braille. “Braille Literacy Month helps us be mindful of the importance of braille to so many Massachusetts residents,” said Governor Maura Healey. “Together, we can work to expand the use of braille to increase literacy and give equal access to people who are blind or have low vision.”


“Braille is vital to literacy, independence, and empowerment as it allows people who are blind or have low vision to access information on their own,” said Lt. Governor Kimberley Driscoll. “Braille Literacy Month gives us an opportunity as an administration to raise awareness on the importance of Braille.”


The voices of support from the Braille Literacy Advisory Council included NBP President Brian Mac Donald and Kate Crohan, a dedicated board member and experienced TVI.


“Braille is literacy by definition," Mac Donald stated. "Reading and writing with braille supports learning grammar, spelling, and punctuation. Braille literacy provides a path that can lead to successful employment and greater independence in life.”


"Braille literacy can be the key to knowledge and independence. Using braille to read books, take notes, label items, or even deliver a speech offers choices to individuals that wouldn't otherwise be possible," said Crohan. "Although there is an abundance of audio content available today, as overall literacy rates decline, the written word, whether in braille or print, remains critical as it exposes young readers to spelling, punctuation and more."


We, at NBP, are greatly encouraged by the Governor's endorsement and the countless statements of support from state officials, all recognizing the vital significance of braille and braille literacy.


“Braille opens up the world and allows access to the many rewards of literacy,” said Massachusetts Health and Human Services Secretary Kate Walsh. “This can include intellectual freedom, educational advancement, personal independence, security, equity, and economic opportunity.”


“For almost two centuries, the braille system has continued to open doors of learning and opportunity for people who are blind or have low vision,” Massachusetts Commission for the Blind Commissioner John Oliveira. “Even with advances in technology, such as audiobooks and screen readers, braille is still as relevant today in the digital world as paper and pen are to people who are sighted.”


In Massachusetts, laws entitle school-age children who are legally blind to receive braille instruction as part of their school’s special education services and afford adults who are legally blind the right to learn braille through the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind.


"Literacy is a top priority for this administration, and we know that we only succeed when all of our learners succeed, including students who may be blind or low vision," said MA Secretary of Education Dr. Patrick Tutwiler. “As we work to improve literacy for all students, we’re happy to celebrate Braille Literacy Month,” said MA Elementary and Secondary Education Commissioner Jeffrey C. Riley. “Learning braille is an important way for students who are blind or have low vision to access their school materials and other resources independently.”


The Braille Literacy Advisory Council makes recommendations to the Massachusetts Department of Elementary and Secondary Education on topics such as braille instruction, literacy assessment for students who are blind or have low vision, and the timely availability of educational materials and expanded braille production activities.






January Children's Braille Book Club Selection

When Rubin Plays by Gracey Zhang

A touching and beautiful story about community, finding your own voice, doing what you love the most, and expressing your passion with Forte!


Rubin loves the beautiful sounds that are played by the orchestra. He wants to learn to play the violin and make his own music. But when Rubin plays, it doesn't sound like he imagines it should. Rubin goes into the forest to practice alone and despite only getting the violin to screech, he finds an unlikely audience that loves his unique style.

In another inspiring and lyrical picture book that deftly dives into the psyche and heart of a child's viewpoint and experience, the creator of Lala's Words, Gracey Zhang, offers confidence to everyone who longs to master something that can be difficult and shows that there is only one way to do something right: that is to do it your own special way.


Enjoy this selection even if you're not a member of the CBBC by clicking the button below!


 <https://email.nbp.org/e3t/Ctc/RE+113/chlLR04/VWb6MJ4BC9tkW1BW78M6nP2J8W6phD5r58KN1-N7PgQ2K3qgyTW8wLKSR6lZ3pYW5bj7dh2dxYvbW7X7s7939-WVLW68Kl4m6vd1hYW662cR48znlGmW7058Z44hj39dW7M1c-B67DfslW4D_74_73X0tXW4dY0SW7sxmFTW4jtbjc2h-lT4W5hNHxn7Kh4mGW4fw_l54BK-rBW7XSlSX38L7C8W6VyphM6yKDxdVklW1G3hXzK2W2n9ZhK60Cg8vVdYdWZ3_NW9QW27J99Q4j2Kq-W8mZwT-6q7Bk3W3Zm87Q5D6g5kW5lGpXQ8vBYFXW1pPmg5442rb2W5zvYkg1YkKjcW33V6t_2JsH0tW6dK20_1dpDf1W2dHQdc7yKrm-MJnDPPd0M99W3H0CnJ1hdVX7W5-xLq397xQn5dC5FQT04> Order When Rubin Plays Here! 




Volunteer Spotlight

District 33S Lions Clubs Mid-Winter Conference

We were so excited to travel to the 33S Lions Clubs Mid-Winter Conference on the Cape last weekend to host a volunteer project for Lions Club members across the district! 50 volunteers assembled 200 braille copies of bookstore favorites "Pouch" and "Besos for Baby" to make sure our customers continue to have access to braille board books at the same price they're available for in print! Thanks Lions!


Alone we can do so little;
together we can do so much.
- Helen Keller


 <https://email.nbp.org/e3t/Ctc/RE+113/chlLR04/VWb6MJ4BC9tkW1BW78M6nP2J8W6phD5r58KN1-N7PgQ263qgyTW7lCdLW6lZ3nLW4SXJ6_4ycmDvN4cxbQGmm1RXN5XHwwFl7kLxW58MsMj5CY59qW1X6VCM7r9ntxW2PpsFd2WJG8YW3zjzLy82l9XLV9RM001Jt5zHW7xY-RS2RcWnMW4QsJmK6zC3PcW6FX5c86lK1GsW3_5PyM99kr6LW2p2qmJ5qrY6CW3Qk7tG3J96fgW7B-jc55tM0nfW4Gwchm7XwxfJW8FM0vk4tVQQlW1hzFJR3NwK54W3VxHT37Dw62bW65gtVJ7LyXx6W6z3YMC8GnJdTW2lnnHb1M5ZctW4RvRGf94xf0zW2cD-p64n5SQSdcCNnn04> Donate Today And Help Put Books In The Hands Of Blind Children 


To make sure that you don't miss a beat,  add enews at nbp.org <mailto:enews at nbp.org>  to your email contact list!






National Braille Press, 88 Saint Stephen St., Boston, MA 02115, 617-425-2439 

 <https://email.nbp.org/hs/manage-preferences/unsubscribe-all?languagePreference=en&d=VnchdP6__y10VKm_Mp49K4yrW49l1L93_R592N1JxwY5XhRSJN1fk4d_k7sXPW8Lq4vf55jyDqW6gz67G7VzCqhW3Zhlxp8RGDbNMGKd_P20N56W3bLDGr6V3SBTW6PBp4L2fLNcG51W-4W1&v=3&utm_campaign=E-News%202021&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=291485820&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_aRp3SnSX1frNW2mV9yD80kF6Vjy-YHWIU_TuWOMSvo0jLGWk2Ki8LAML9DPxQ-VY0msb3MYhVviFtsagdzs4oCc1-qg&_hsmi=291485820> Unsubscribe  <https://email.nbp.org/hs/manage-preferences/unsubscribe?languagePreference=en&d=VnchdP6__y10VKm_Mp49K4yrW49l1L93_R592N1JxwY5XhRSJN1fk4d_k7sXPW8Lq4vf55jyDqW6gz67G7VzCqhW3Zhlxp8RGDbNMGKd_P20N56W3bLDGr6V3SBTW6PBp4L2fLNcG51W-4W1&v=3&utm_campaign=E-News%202021&utm_source=hs_email&utm_medium=email&utm_content=291485820&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_aRp3SnSX1frNW2mV9yD80kF6Vjy-YHWIU_TuWOMSvo0jLGWk2Ki8LAML9DPxQ-VY0msb3MYhVviFtsagdzs4oCc1-qg&_hsmi=291485820> Manage preferences 


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