[Jayhawk-chapter] Emailing: nfb agenda august 21 2010

James H. "Jim" Canaday M.A. N6YR n6yr at sunflower.com
Thu Aug 19 05:39:12 UTC 2010

NFB Agenda August 21, 2010
Jayhawk Chapter  of the National Federation of the Blind of Kansas

    * Call to order, introductions, welcome guests

    * Officers’ reports:

    * President’s report, Jim Canaday-audio 
reader request, special olympics bid, annual elections
    * Vice president’s report, Rob Tabor
    * Treasurer’s report, Bob Fuller
    * Secretary’s report and minutes, Brendy Latare
    *  Recognitions-local scholarship winner

National President’s release--**omitted for time**--

    * Knowledge Base: Luther Fuller won #2 
nationally in the Braille Challenge, and returns from NFB Science Camp

    * Old business
A. Remembering 2010 National Convention
B. September 25th downtown lawrence outreach 
table planning-brochures/the coin/equipment/etc.
C. Meet the blind month activities
D. State convention­featuring Donna Wood NFBKS president

    * New business  A.

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