[Jayhawk-chapter] Emailing: nfb agenda july 17 2010
James H. "Jim" Canaday M.A. N6YR
n6yr at sunflower.com
Fri Jul 16 16:11:52 UTC 2010
NFB Agenda July 17, 2010
Jayhawk Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Kansas
* Call to order, introductions, welcome guests
* Officers' reports:
* President's report, Jim Canaday-audio reader request, nuts sales
* Vice president's report, Rob Tabor-
* Treasurer's report, Bob Fuller
* Secretary's report and minutes, Brendy Latare
* Recognitions (including the 4th of July)
National President's release--**none!**--
* Knowledge Base: Luther Fuller won #2 nationally in the Braille Challenge
* Old business
A. Remembering 2010 National Convention
B. Change chapter name
C. State convention prep
* New business A. social activity?
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