[Jayhawk-chapter] Emailing: NFB agenda September 18, 2010

James H. "Jim" Canaday M.A. N6YR n6yr at sunflower.com
Thu Sep 16 05:24:00 UTC 2010

NFB Agenda September 18, 2010
Jayhawk Chapter  of the National Federation of the Blind of Kansas

    * Call to order, introductions, welcome guests

    * Officers’ reports:

    * President’s report, Jim Canaday-
    * Vice president’s report, Rob Tabor-
    * Treasurer’s report, Bob Fuller-
    * Secretary’s report and minutes, Brendy Latare-
    *  Recognitions-chapter is four years old

National President’s release--**omitted for time**--

    * Knowledge Base: none

    * Old business
A. Change chapter name to Jayhawk Chapter, $1 to KUAC
B. September 25th downtown outreach table next week, last call-table available
C. Begin nuts sale
D. State convention­$28 [$18 of which is deposit] 
for public right of way application to use 
parking spaces at end of walk and for station on 
walk; red bandanas for walk; cooking demo; registration; other issues?
E. Meet the Blind Month activities, do we meet in 
October? River City Reading Festival

    * New business

    * Annual Election
A. Intro
B. Call for nominations, close nominations
C. Offices of Secretary, Treasurer, Vice President
D. Presidential election, Bob Fuller 
presiding-speeches (approximately ten minutes 
maximum each); voting by secret ballot; vote 
counting; proclamation of winner of election for chapter president


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NFB agenda September 18, 2010

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