[Jayhawk-chapter] November 2011 Minutes

Cheryl Miller cheributton at live.com
Sun Feb 5 21:38:58 UTC 2012

Hi All,


At our January meeting there were a couple people who were uncertain whether or not they had received the November minutes. In an attempt to make sure that you have opportunity to read them, I am resending them as an attachment.


I have been in Topeka for the last few weeks. My step mother was expected to pass away at anytime, and I wanted to be with my father. She did finally pass away on Friday. I am home just for the day and will be returning to Topeka within the hour. I worked on the January minutes for a few hours this afternoon, but I was unable to complete them. I know that I am running late on them, but will hopefully be home in a week and will make them priority.


In the meantime, any prayers offered up for my Dad would be greatly appreciated.


Many Thanks,

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