[Jayhawk-chapter] State Affiliate Board Teleconference Meeting

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Fri Feb 24 23:58:59 UTC 2012

Good afternoon Jayhawkers,


As Madame president Chikako announced earlier this week the state NFB
affiliate board meeting will be conducted via teleconference tomorrow,
February 25 at 10:00 am. Below are the dial-in instrructions to join the


1.       Dial 866-476-8702. You may also dial  916-233-4200 which is the
preferred number if you have unlimited long distance on your calling plan.

2.       . Dial the conference access code which is 950655, followed by the
pound (#) key.

You will be joined to the call when the system validates the access code you
dialed. Remember that meetings are open but only elected board members are
allowed to cast a vote on motions made in the meeting. If you are mostly
listening to the session it is a good idea to mute your microphone which can
be done by dialing asterisk (*), 6. Do the same to unmute if you want to
speak. I hoe to hear you on the conference call.

Best regards,

Rob Tabor, Jayhawk Chapter Vice President 

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