[Jayhawk-chapter] Fwd: Luther!

Brendy Latare bjl.1746 at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jun 25 19:05:05 UTC 2012

Thanks, everyone! We are of course very proud of Luther and all four Kansas contestants!
Luther would want me to clear this up:
he did not win the Braille Challenge!!
He won the overall Reading Comprehension award which is given by an LA NBC news channel. This means that out of 60-some participants, ranging in age from 5 to 18, Luther got the most points in the Reading Comprehension section of the test.
There are other sections such as Proofreading, Speed and Accuracy, Charts and Graphs, and for the younger kids, Spelling. The scores from all these sections are added up to determine each age group's 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.  Luther did not place in his age group.
The really fun part was that three other contestants from Kansas (Kelsey Mendenhall, 18, Ashlee Thao, 11, and Audrey Bethay, 6--I think) qualified for Nationals and we got to spend time with their families having fun in Los Angeles! Audrey placed 3rd in her age group, her first Braille Challenge.
The Braille Institute does a wonderful job with the rigorous testing, educational workshops for parents, and fabulous prizes and accomodations.  We had a great time.
Thanks for your support, and for letting me brag on Luther!

--- On Sun, 6/24/12, Chikako Mochizuki <extremepositiveness at yahoo.com> wrote:

From: Chikako Mochizuki <extremepositiveness at yahoo.com>
Subject: [Jayhawk-chapter] Fwd: Luther!
To: "jayhawk-chapter at nfbnet.org" <jayhawk-chapter at nfbnet.org>, "NFB Kansas" <home-on-the-range at nfbnet.org>
Date: Sunday, June 24, 2012, 7:37 PM

Begin forwarded message:

From: Chikako Mochizuki <extremepositiveness at yahoo.com>
Date: June 24, 2012 9:46:35 AM CDT
To: "home-on-the-range at nfbnet.org" <home-on-the-range at nfbnet.org>, "jayhawk-chapter at nfbnet.org" <jayhawk-chapter at nfbnet.org>
Subject: Luther!

Our very own Luther Fuller proudly won the overall national braille competition yesterday.  I received a note from Brendy this morning.  Our chapter is extremely proud of Luther and needless to state, his parents are very proud of their son.
Very hearty congratulations to Luther.  A wonderful accomplishment.

Chikako Mochizuki

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