[Jayhawk-chapter] January Meeting Reminder And Draft Agenda

athenaljohnson athenaljohnson at att.net
Tue Jan 8 20:52:10 UTC 2013

Rob, thank you for the reminder.  I  plan to see everyone on Saturday.





From: Jayhawk-chapter [mailto:jayhawk-chapter-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Rob Tabor
Sent: Saturday, January 05, 2013 11:08 AM
To: 'Jayhawk Chapter list, Lawrence, Kansas'
Subject: [Jayhawk-chapter] January Meeting Reminder And Draft Agenda


Good morning Jayhawk Federationists,


Those who joined us at the December holiday party at India Palace wil
hoefully recall a change in our meeting date which we needed to do on
account of the large conference room at Independence, Inc. being unavailable
on January 19.  We decided at that time to move the meeting date to next
Saturday, January 12, 2013 from 2:00pm to 4:00pm at Independence, Inc., 2001
Haskell Avenue. SO it will be the same placeand time, just an earlier date.


A draft agenda is attached and is also included below in case anyone has
trouble opening the attached MS-Word file. Please let me know as soon as
possible if you have anything else to add to the proposed agenda. Finally,
let's all do our level best to arrive on time to maximize our opportunity to
engage in thoughtful goal-setting for the new year.


I hope everyone is getting a good start on the new year and I look forward
to seeing you all at Independence, Inc. on January 12 at 2:00. 





1.       Call to order, welcome and introductions (when guests are present)

2.       Review/modification of meeting agenda

3.       National presidential Release No. 413 by Dr. Marc Maurer, NFB

4.       Chapter president's report

5.       Chapter vice president's report

6.       Approval of minutes from meeting of November, 2012

7.       Chapter treasurer's report

8.       Old business

a.       Fund-raising report, Susan Tabor

9.       New Business

a.       Committees and special appointments

b.      Goalsetting for 2013

(1)    Total membership benchmark with target date

(2)    Fund-raising amounts with target dates

(3)    Community collaboration/networking project with target dates for
identification and initiation

(4)    Attendance/participation at NFB 2013 National Convention in Orlando

(5)    Attendance/participation in NFBK 2013 State affiliate Convention,
location TBA

(6)    Participation in 2014 NFB Washington Seminar (with consideration of
available financial assistance)


Meeting adjourned

Next meeting, Saturday, February 16, 2013, 2:00pm - 4:00pm, Independence,
Inc., 2001 Haskell Avenue, Lawrence KS



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