[Jayhawk-chapter] Important Court Trial Re. VR For Blind Kansans

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jul 22 23:06:49 UTC 2013

Dear Fellow Jayhawk Federationists,


I've just been informed by Donna Wood that a Federal court trial involving
Anna Himdman will be held at the United States District Court in Topeka
during the week of July 29, 2013. Anna is challenging an administrative
decision by the state vocational rehabilitation service for its refusal to
pay her room and board fees as an undergraduate student at Emporia State
University (ESU.), despite Anna's having complied with her VR counselor's
instruction to reside on campus instead of remaining at home where she had
been living with her parents. Before taking her case to court Anna was
required by law to pursue all of the administrative appeals available to
her, which has been done, but unfortunately without success.


Our state president Donna Wood will be called upon to testify as an expert
witness in the field of blindness and rehabilitation on Wednesday, July 31.
We feel it is very important to make a public showing of presence and
strength as this case has an enormous potential to become a catalyst for
ushering in some long overdue and much needed changes in the delivery of VR
services in Kansas. No doubt the state will be locked and loaded for
witnesses, and that is another reason it is vitally important that we match
the mighty muscle of the state, which apparently would rather expend
precious limited resources to pay an untold number of lawyers instead of
complying with the Federal rehabact in its mandate to provide training and
education to blind and disabled Kansans. 


I am planning on being present at least for Donna's testimony on the 31st
and would like to see if anyone else in the chapter would like to attend so
transportation can be planned for those who need a way to Topeka. I have no
information as of yet as to the time of day Donna will be testifying, but
rest assured I will provide further information as I receive it. The Frank
Carlson Federal Court building is located at 444 Southeast Quincy, Topeka,
Kansas, about 2 blocks from Sixth Street and Kansas Avenue. Again, please
let me know as soon as possible as to whether you will be available for any
of the trial days, especially on the 31st. 


Thanks in advance for giving this matter your very serious consideration.


Warmest regards to all,


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