[Jayhawk-chapter] FW: Update on Space Available Legislation

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Sat Mar 2 02:11:51 UTC 2013

Good evening all,


As you can see from the message below things are perking along very
impressively on the space available legislation which is one of the top
three items on our legislative priorities for 2013. This rapidly growing
list of co-sponsors should do much to build a fire under the Kansas
congressional delegation, especially since both the House and Senate
versions of the bill are bipartisan and noncontrovertial.

Best regards,



From: Hartle, Jesse [mailto:JHartle at nfb.org] 
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 3:36 PM

Good Afternoon All,


     I am writing to provide you with the latest information on our Space
Available legislation, HR 164 and S 346.  The House bill is now showing 57
cosponsors, and we will add at least 4 new members when the House returns
next week.  Attached I have provided you with the list of cosponsors,
including those that will be added next week.  One document presents the
list by Party, and the other by state.  In the Senate we have 5 cosponsors
listed.  I have listed the Senate Cosponsors below.  Please let me know if
you have any questions.  Thank you all very much for your hard work on this
matter.  Jesse


Senator Tester, Montana, Sponsor of S. 346


Senator Baucus, Montana

Senator Blunt, Missouri, Member Senate Armed Services Committee

Senator Cardin, Maryland

Senator Heller, Nevada, Member Senate Committee on Veterans Affairs

Senator Merkley, Oregon



Jesse Hartle

National Federation of the Blind

Government Programs Specialist

Phone: 410-659-9314, Ext. 2233

Email: jhartle at nfb.org

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