[Jayhawk-chapter] FW: National Federation of the Blind Applauds Introduction of Fair Wages Legislation

athenaljohnson athenaljohnson at att.net
Sat Mar 2 19:08:19 UTC 2013

Rob, thank you for the update.




From: Jayhawk-chapter [mailto:jayhawk-chapter-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Rob Tabor
Sent: Friday, March 01, 2013 8:27 PM
To: home-on-the-range at nfbnet.org; home-on-the-range at nfbnet.org; 'Jayhawk
Chapter list, Lawrence, Kansas'
Subject: [Jayhawk-chapter] FW: National Federation of the Blind Applauds
Introduction of Fair Wages Legislation


Hello again, and here is more good news on the national legislative scene.
You will note that 11 of the 12 co-sponsors of HR 831, the new creation of
the Fair Wages for Workers With Disabilities Act, also co-sponsored the old
HR 386 introduced in the 112th Congress. Let's wake 'em up in the Kansas
congressional delegagtion, shall we?

Best regards,



From: Lewis, Anil [mailto:ALewis at nfb.org] 
Sent: Wednesday, February 27, 2013 9:47 AM
To: Lewis, Anil
Subject: National Federation of the Blind Applauds Introduction of Fair
Wages Legislation






Chris Danielsen

Director of Public Relations

National Federation of the Blind

(410) 659-9314, extension 2330

(410) 262-1281 (Cell)

 <mailto:cdanielsen at nfb.org> cdanielsen at nfb.org

National Federation of the Blind Applauds
Introduction of Fair Wages Legislation


Urges Passage of Fair Wages for Workers with Disabilities Act 


Baltimore, Maryland (February 27, 2013):  <http://www.nfb.org/> The National
Federation of the Blind, the oldest and largest nationwide organization of
blind Americans, today applauded the introduction of the Fair Wages for
Workers with Disabilities Act of 2013 (H.R. 831) by Representative Gregg
Harper (R-MS).  Congressman Harper, along with eleven original co-sponsors,
introduced the Fair Wages for Workers with Disabilities Act of 2013 to
repeal section 14(c) of the Fair Labor Standards Act, and to phase out
<http://www.nfb.org/fair-wages> the discriminatory practice of paying
workers with disabilities pennies per hour.


Congressman Gregg Harper said: "Section 14(c) of the FLSA, enacted out of
ignorance about the true capacity of people with disabilities, currently
prevents over 300,000 people with disabilities from gaining access to the
work and training environments that have been proven to be more cost
effective and to produce more competitive integrated work outcomes.
Subminimum-wage work is just an expression of low expectations that instills
a false sense of incapacity in individuals, who could become competitively
employed with the proper training and support." 


 <http://www.nfb.org/> Dr. Marc Maurer, President of
<http://www.facebook.com/NationalFederationoftheBlind> the National
Federation of the Blind, said: "The National Federation of the Blind and our
partners representing the 55 million Americans with disabilities fight every
day to obtain the fundamental freedoms that nondisabled citizens take for
granted.  We applaud Congressman Harper for having the courage to confront
over seventy years of entrenched but false thinking about the capacity of
people with disabilities.  We strongly urge his colleagues in both houses of
the United States Congress to exhibit the same courage by recognizing our
right to have the same workforce protections as every other American


The National Federation of the Blind needs your support to ensure that blind
children get an equal education, to connect blind veterans with the training
and services they need, and to help seniors who are losing vision continue
to live independent and fulfilling lives. To make a donation, please go to
<http://www.nfb.org/> www.nfb.org.






About the National Federation of the Blind

The National Federation of the Blind (NFB) is the oldest, largest, and most
influential nationwide membership organization of blind people in the United
States.  Founded in 1940, the NFB advocates for the civil rights and
equality of blind Americans, and develops innovative education, technology,
and training programs to provide the blind and those who are losing vision
with the tools they need to become independent and successful.  We need your
support.  To make a donation, please go to  <http://www.nfb.org/>



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