[Jayhawk-chapter] Updates and Reminders

Susan Tabor souljourner at sbcglobal.net
Fri May 24 02:56:26 UTC 2013

Hi, everyone:


I vote to release funds to reimburse Sidney and Harlan for the reservation
fee.  Also, on June 11, I can’t come until the afternoon but I will be there
then.  Have to work in the morning and it’s a special staff training.




From: Jayhawk-chapter [mailto:jayhawk-chapter-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf
Of Rob Tabor
Sent: Wednesday, May 22, 2013 11:15 PM
To: 'Jayhawk Chapter list, Lawrence, Kansas'
Subject: [Jayhawk-chapter] Updates and Reminders


Hello Jayhawk Federationists 


Sidney has informed me that the main shelter at Centennial Park has already
ben claimed for the day on June 8. However, the gazebo was still available
and I have given Sidney the OK to reserve it from 10:00am to 3:00 pm. The
half day rental fee is $35 which Sidney and Harlan have kindly covered.
However, I would like to ask your approval to reimburse the Roedels for this
expense. As I recall, the gazebo will seat approximately 45 to 50, so feel
free to invite family and friends. Centennial Park is located at 600
Rockledge Road and accessed on the Rockledge Road side,.


Lastly, if you want to attend the 2013 national convention in Orlando
Florida in the first week of July and would like some financial assistance,
be sure to let me know by noon on Saturday. As was explained at the May
meeting, any Kansas affiliate member who wants to attend will receive a
stipend of assistance in the amount of $500. However, feel free to ask for
help at the $1000 level if you feel there are extenuating circumstances that
would prevent you from attending; that is to say, some situation or need
beyond the fact that one is expected to pay tourist trap prices in Orlando
for a week. The decision as to who receives assistance is up to our state
president Donna Wood. I will be relaying names to her over the weekend.


Have a good week and looking forward to the Memorial Day weekend.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor


First, don’t forget to come to the Holiday Inn Convention Center for the
Collaborative Strategies Seminar for Employment Success facilitated by Duna
Dahal. We will meet at the Holiday Inn at 200 mcDonald Drive on June 11. The
seminar gets under way at 10:00am, but we probably want to show up at least
45 minutes early to be prepared to greet, register, and otherwise assist
conferees. And if you’re in the market to change jobs or to reenter the
workforce, don’t forget to bring resumés.

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