[Jayhawk-chapter] Reminder re Mayor's Meet The Blind MOnth Procomation

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Mon Oct 7 04:59:09 UTC 2013

Good evening all,


Just a friendly reminder of the Lawrence City Commission meeting on Tuesday
evening at 6:35pm at city hall located at 6 East Sixth, just east of
Massachusetts on the north side of Sixth Street. Our very own Renee Morgan
has agreed to give a short address to Mayor Dever and the city commission,
followed by a formal reading of the proclamation by Mayor Dever. I am
confident Renee is well prepared to represent NFB and our chapter with
flying colors. So I hope you can come and show a visible presence to the
mayor and his fellow commissioners.


If there is interst in having dinner together afterwords, the Mexquisito
Café is 2 blocks south of city hall at 712 Massachusetts. Susan and I have
eaten there and we agree the food is very good and the ritas aren’t too bad
either. <smile> So let’s show the community we mean business and we are
serious in our mission to change what it means to be blind.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor

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