[Jayhawk-chapter] April Minutes

Cheryl Miller cheributton at live.com
Tue May 13 19:43:05 UTC 2014

Attached, as well as pasted below, you will find the minutes for April's meeting. As always, I welcome any corrections that need to be made. 

Take care,

NFB Kansas Jayhawk Chapter

Meeting Minutes 

Date: April 19, 2014


Call to Order:

Rob called the meeting to order at 1:20 p.m. 


Introduction of Guests:

No guests were present.


National Presidential Release by Dr. Marc Maurer:

Presidential Release #427 was presented.


Chapter President's Report:

Rob advised that he has been contacted by one of the co-executive directors of Independence, Inc., who informed Rob that he had received an inquiry from Brian Jimenez, manager of the Lawrence city code division. Mr. Jimenez would like to know what the opinion of the local blind community is concerning the installation of truncated domes.  Rob reported that, in view of the fact that the 2010 disability guidelines significantly modified the requirement of truncated domes, and believing that the NFB would support the discontinuation of installation of truncated domes, except in the instances specified in the guidelines, he advised Mr. Jimenez that he is "free to comply with the guidelines and drop the use of these truncated domes."


Rob reminded us that the state convention is November 21 through November 23. It will be held at the Holidome in Lawrence. 


Chapter Vice President's Report:

There was no vice-presidential report.


Approval of Minutes:

Minutes for March were approved.


Chapter Treasurer's Report:

There was no activity, so our balance remains at $869.44. At the state level, an investment portfolio was opened in the amount of $175,000.00.  


Old Business:

Rob updated us concerning the 5k run that has been under consideration. Because of other obligations, Tim Hornik is going to be unable to chair the finance committee and likely will step down from the responsibilities of heading up the 5k run. Therefore, we need to explore other potential fund raisers. The final decision regarding the future of the 5k will be made after Rob speaks with Tim. In the meantime, Rob informed us of a fund raiser that Susan has recently become aware of. On Mondays, Freddie's, a fast food restaurant, has started donating a certain percentage of their food sales proceeds to charitable organizations. Rob and Susan are going to make contact with Freddie's to see about the possibility of our chapter being considered for their donation program. 


We started pounding out some of the particulars of state convention. The first area of discussion was the hospitality suite. Sidney Rodel volunteered to oversee that. The registration desk will be directed by Bob Fuller. Exhibits will be spearheaded by Brendy Latare, with Renee Morgan assisting. Rob is going to ask Susan if she would be willing to coordinate transportation. Cheryl Miller will organize door prize details. Rob will take care of requesting that the mayor give a welcome address at the beginning of the convention. Finally, the post dinner banquet entertainment will be taken care of by Rob, as well.


New Business:

The only matter of new business involved the inaccessibility issues at Lawrence Memorial Hospital. Dr. Glen White, director of the KU Research and Training Center for Independent Living, had an encounter with Gene Meyer, the executive director of Lawrence Memorial Hospital. Dr. White had the opportunity to express his observations as they pertained to accessibility matters. Dr. White is sending a follow-up letter to Mr. Meyer, requesting a meeting between the disabled community and Mr. Meyer. We have been asked if we would like to have a representative participate in such a meeting. 


Meeting Adjournment:

Rob adjourned the meeting at 2:40 p.m.


Date of Next Meeting:

May 17, 2014


Respectfully Submitted,

Cheryl Miller

Jayhawk Chapter Secretary
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