[Jayhawk-chapter] 2014-10 Minutes

Brendy Latare 6brendy at sbcglobal.net
Wed Nov 5 04:53:56 UTC 2014

Hello all,
Attached and pasted below, please find the minutes from our October 18th meeting, lo these many weeks ago…please let me know of any corrections.
Thank you,


NFBKS Jayhawk Chapter
October 18, 2014 minutes

Attending: Rob, Sidney, Athena, Renee, Charles, Brendy, Bob, Chikako
Called to order at 1:23 pm.

Presidential Release #432 from Mark Riccobono.

Chapter President’s report:
State board met by teleconference on October 5. State President Tom Page reported that the Kansas Department of Labor has received a grant for job development for people with disabilities. Tom is submitting a request for funding through this grant for NFB-NEWSLINE.
Our website, NFBKS.org, is recently improved. Milton Ota from South Dakota may become the new webmaster.

Chapter Vice President’s report:

Secretary’s report:
Some members reported they did not read last month’s minutes, and Rob asks for Cheryl to resend them. We decided to vote on approval next month.

Treasurer’s report:
Bob reported that we started the month of September with $869.44. There was a mystery expenditure of $12.00, leaving $857.44 in our treasury at the end of September.
We collected $82.00 in donations at our Meet The Blind Month table on October 11. Dues of $12 each have been received from Cheryl, Ron, Renee, Charles, and Athena. Sidney paid today.
Bob also reported some things learned at the recent meeting for chapter presidents and treasurers, held at the Jernigan Institute in Baltimore. Chapters are advised to carry insurance, perhaps through the state affiliate, to cover liability for any public fundraising event. Chapters are also advised to limit the dollar amount held in chapter treasuries; the figure of $2500 maximum was suggested. Chapters should send extra money up to the state affiliate where it may do more good. If a need arises at the local chapter level, the money could be sent back down.

Meet The Blind Month activities:
*At the city commission meeting on October 7, Rob and Renee spoke about NFB, and Mayor Mike Amyx read and signed the proclamation marking October as Meet The Blind Month.  Amyx also agreed to give opening remarks at our November State Convention. Sidney and Harlan also attended.   [editor’s note: Anyone I left out?]
*That evening, a Lawrence Journal-World reporter asked to interview Renee for a story. The interview has since taken place, and the story was included in the Sunday, October 19th, online edition. Address is  http://www2.ljworld.com/news/2014/oct/19/lawhorns-lawrence-losing-sight-not-hope/?city_local
*On Friday,October 10, Renee and Rob again represented us in the community. They were guests on Hank Booth’s radio show, “According to the Record” on KLWN. The address for the archived episode is http://www.klwn.com/According-to-the-Record-10-10-14/14152172?pid=432987&archive=1&doarch=1
*On Saturday, October 11, we had an informational table in front of US Bank on the southeast corner of 9th and Massachusetts. Bob and Rob were there most all day, with appearances from Luther, Brendy, Sidney, Harlan, and Chikako. The  band Volition, including members Renee, Charles, and Rob played to help us raise awareness, and $82 in donations. The event was declared a success; we discussed ways to make it even better next year. We need to make sure we have plenty of alphabet cards to give out; we should get all new literature from the National office, since there is a new logo to use; we can get a new banner with the new logo on it; and we talked some more about offering voter registration. We should make a checklist for next year.

State Convention Plans:
A block of rooms is open at the Holidome for $95/night. Financial assistance is available from the state affiliate; get requests in before the board meeting on Nov. 2. Call the hotel for reservations at 785-841-7077. Jeannie Massay will be our national representative.
*Bob is in charge of Registration; Chikako will help.
*Sidney chairs the Hospitality Committee. The hotel will provide a meat and cheese tray and a veggie tray; Sidney will send out an email asking Jayhawk chapter members to add to the list of snacks we will offer Friday starting at 5:00 pm. We are planning to have Hospitality in Brazilian Room C and D, along with Vendors.
*Brendy chairs the Vendors committee. We will have between 5-10 vendors. Chikako will ask the local Lions Club if they want to send a representative to have a table. Renee will ask Mikel McCary if he has gotten the email invitation.
*Cheryl is in charge of Door Prizes. She has previously reported that door prizes usually come flooding in from members across the state without much prompting. We can all donate door prizes if we wish; Jayhawk-themed stuff is good. Sharon Luka will certainly bring pumpkin bread.
The agenda was discussed, and has been sent out in the latest issue of TapTracks.

Election of Officers:
Athena facilitated the elections. All offices were filled with unanimous support from the members.
Rob Tabor, President. He thanked the group and said he will focus on greater fundraising efforts in the future.
Renee Morgan, Vice President.
Susan Tabor, Secretary.
Ron Miller, Treasurer.

Holiday Dinner:
We will meet on Friday, December 5, at 6:00 pm at Marisco’s Restaurant, 4821 W. 6th Street (785-312-9057)
We decided to again exchange white elephant gifts. Everyone who wants to participate should bring a wrapped gift.

Meeting was adjourned at 2:55 pm.
Date of next meeting: November 15, 2014

Respectfully submitted by Brendy Latare

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