[Jayhawk-chapter] Fwd: Minutes - 1/17/15 meeting

Sidney Roedel shroedel at gmail.com
Fri Mar 13 17:54:03 UTC 2015

Rob -- just checking to make sure you received this email (below) from me.  If you don't have the time and or the the inclination to revise my minutes, it would be fine with me to send them out as is.  Just let me know.  Thanks so much.  Sidney

Sent from my iPad

Begin forwarded message:

> From: Sidney Roedel <shroedel at gmail.com>
> Date: March 10, 2015 at 9:37:51 PM CDT
> To: Rob Tabor via Jayhawk-chapter <jayhawk-chapter at nfbnet.org>
> Subject: Minutes - 1/17/15 meeting
> Rob, I invite you, implore you, to revise these minutes without restraint.  Please and thanks. Sidney
>                                 -----------------------------------
> President Rob Tabor called the meeting to order at 1:15 pm
> Members present:  Athena Johnson, Brendy Latare, Sidney Roedel, Cheryl Miller, Ron Miller, Jackie Ouellette, Rob Tabor.  No guests were present.
> Presidential Release #436:  We listened to a recording of President  Mark Ricobono's monthly report.
> President's Report:
> Rob Tabor reported that:
> 1)  Charles Hurst, as a result of his stroke, will be in the ICU rehab unit at LMH for the next six months, at least.  Rob commented that, of course, we are all keeping Charles and Renee in our thoughts and prayers
> Dustin Disque, a friend of Rob's from Independence Inc., had hoped to be with us today but was ill and unable to attend.
> 2)  Rob and Renee attended the Washington Seminar.  It was a good meeting, he reported.  They were able to meet with Rep. Jenkins, in person, and with staff of Sens Roberts and Yoder about several issues:  
> a) TIME (?) bill
> b) TEACH bill - secondary and higher education trade group (?)
> c) Marikesh (?) Treaty - nothing new
> d) New Chapter at Large is a work in progress.
> Vice President's Report:  
> No report.  Renee Morgan was unable to attend.
> Secretary's Report:
> Susan Tabor was unable to attend.  Minutes from the 11/14 minutes were approved; corrections to the 1/17/15  minutes were made:  treasury balance for 12/1/14 was $784.44; for 12/31/14, it was $649.44
> Treasurer's Report:
> Ron  Miller reported a (date?) balance of $649.44, and a current balance of $655.44.
> Old Business:
> Fund Raising:  
> 1)  Dinner at Freddie's - last year we received $200 for our dining efforts @ 15 percent of the receipts from the restaurant's total dinner income.  We agreed we would like to do the same thing again this spring.  Rob offered to meet with  Freddies' owner to see if we can work out a similar arrangement.
> 2)  We discussed the possibility of similar fund raisers at such places as the Merc (Rob asked Athena if she would be willing to check there -- Athena said she would do it), Chico's, (Jackie said the Virginia chapter to which she had belonged had held a very rewarding fund raiser with them); and 10,000 Villages.  
> 3)  Rob proposed that we consider doing an NCAA basketball pool, charging a $5 entry fee to enter a completed bracket for the tournament. Terry Thompson, a friend of Rob's at Washington State University, has created an accessible bracket system, which we can use.  We members would need to recruit friends and family to enter.  We could award prizes to 1) the member who recruits the most participants and 2) the winner of the brackets.  We would need to submit our "screen" names to Rob.  The idea was informally approved.
> Knowledge Base:
> Jackie talked with us about her tactile Yoga mat -- an invention which allows a person to orient him/herself properly to perform Yoga poses.  She invited us to attend the 5:30 Yoga class she would be offering that evening at Bemoved Yoga, 7th & Mass.  Sidney asked about Chair Yoga...Jackie said she would report back on that.
> The meeting was adjourned at 2:50 pm.  
> Respectfully submitted, 
> Sidney Roedel, 
> Secretary pro tem
> Sent from my iPad
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