[Jayhawk-chapter] NCAA Bracket Standings

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Mon Mar 23 21:47:03 UTC 2015

Good afternoon Jayhawk Federationists and all NFB Bracket Participants,


The tourney has come down to the Sweet 16 and Brendy LaTare is in the lead
with 37 correct picks and 188 points. At this time this is a qualified
determination as there are several outstanding usernames that need to be
provided to me so I can find these folks in Terrill Thompson's accessible
brackets user database. There is still plenty of time to get those user IDs
and ttiebreaker predictions in, but when the NCAA national champion is
determined I will have to go with what I have to award that grand prize free
full body massage based on the information I have. At this time there are 8
bracketeers who have not given me their user ID's and tiebreakers. You may
do so by email to the URL after my close or by leaving a message on my
mobile which is also listed.


In the interst of disclosure and transparency, my brackets aren't rock
bottom but pretty darn close, so I will not be on anyone's watch list for
sneaking that massage away from you. <lol> Picking Iowa State to win the
whole shebang didn't help my brax one bit. After rocking the Big 12 league
tourney they go out with a giant whimper. Go figure! The event Isn't called
March Madness for nothing.


In any event, good luck to all as we watch March Madness 2015 move toward a
national champion.


Best regards,

Rob Tabor _ president Jayhawk Chapter National Federation of the Blind of

Mobile: 7858659959

Rob.Tabor at sbcglobal.net

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