[Jayhawk-chapter] September 19, 2015 chapter minutes
Brendy Latare
6brendy at sbcglobal.net
Wed Oct 7 20:58:43 UTC 2015
Hello all,
Here are the minutes from our meeting on September 19 at Independence, Inc. Please let me know of any additions or corrections.
Next meeting will be October 17, at 1:00 p at Lawrence Public Library, conference room A.
See you all there!
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NFBKS Jayhawk Chapter minutes
September 19, 2015
Location: Independence, Inc.
Attending: Rob Tabor, Athena Johnson, Renee Morgan, Charles Hurst, Pat Slick, Sidney Roedel, Brendy Latare, and guest Bill Roach. Bill found out about our chapter through his search for audio description in movies and TV.
Called to order at 1:25 pm.
Chapter President?s report:
Rob reported we will postpone plans to visit State Capital kiosks.
Athena will take over nominating committee. Voting will take place at next meeting in October.
Presidential Release #442 from Mark Riccobono was played.
Kansas NFB State Convention will be held November 20-22 at the Hotel Old Town, Wichita, KS. Registration in advance is $5, lunch is $15, banquet is $25, for a total of $45.
At convention, registration is $10, for a total of $50. Register in advance by sending money via paypal to treasurer at nfbks.org.
South-central host convention planners are negotiating a price for hotel room registration, which attendees will arrange directly with the hotel.
Friday?s schedule goes as follows:
1:00 pm Julie Deeden, our National Representative and Director of Colorado Center for the Blind, will speak about Vocational Rehabilitation. There will also be a presentation by Blind Industrial Workers Association, and a session of The ABCs of NFB.
3:00 pm Open board meeting
5:00 pm Hospitality, hosted by Dianne Hemphill and Donna Wood
7:00 pm Resolutions Committee markup session
On Saturday, the convention will have a 3-part theme: Voc. Rehab., History of NFB, and Exercise/Fitness.
Under Voc. Rehab., Emily Schlenker will present about her study of Chemistry at the college level, and Jackie Ouellet-Piper will present about her study at Cleveland College of Chiropractic. Julie Deeden will talk about the Colorado Center of the Blind.
For after the banquet on Saturday night, Tom Page is arranging the entertainment.
On Sunday, General Session will be held.
Rob reported that the at-large chapter of the NFBKS will become the Meadowlark Chapter, and hopes to be chartered by the time of state convention.
The NFBKS Student Division will be re-launching with help from Rob Tabor and Tom Anderson.
Chapter Vice President?s report:
Secretary?s report:
Approval of minutes from August 13: Brendy mentioned a minor error in the reported attendance numbers at National Convention. Rob will check on it.
Treasurer?s report:
No change.
State Convention Attendance Planning:
We discussed transportation ideas for our chapter to Wichita, including the possibility of renting a van. Sidney moved, Brendy seconded for $25 to be available to each of our members to subsidize transportation, hotel cost, or registration.
The Merc offers 3 ways for their customers to donate to the designated recipient of the monthly Change For Our Communities giveback program: change jar at each register, rounding the grocery bill up to the next dollar, and donating the 5 cent bag refund. Sidney will contact Nancy O?Connor.
The Salty Iguana offers a fundraiser similar to Freddy?s: on a chosen date, 10% of any sale in which the customer mentions recipient?s name. Athena will talk to the manager.
Meet the Blind Month:
Pat and Susan have discussed a plan to have city commissioners crossing downtown streets under sleepshades. October 10 or 17, depending on KU home football schedule.
October 6 at 5:45 is the city commission meeting where October will be proclaimed Meet the Blind Month, and October 15 White Cane Safety Day. Ren?e will attend.
November meeting: The membership determined by consensus there will be no meeting in November because of State Convention.
December Holiday Social: Rob announced that Susan has agreed to arrange a location for the December chapter social event. Members agreed on December 12 as the date for the event.
Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned at 2:48 pm.
Next meeting: October 17, 2015, Room A, Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont Street
Respectfully submitted by Brendy Latare
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