[Jayhawk-chapter] Oct. 10

patslick patslick at sunflower.com
Tue Sep 22 16:17:37 UTC 2015

Hello Fellow Dederationers,

I hope that this is getting around as I think it is the first time I've 
tried to use.

I phoned the athletic department and they told me that the game time for 
Oct. 10 will be set next Monday (not today).  So we'll need to wait.

In another matter:  I did read the announcement about the Task Force or 
whatever it is meeting at the East Lawrence Center Saturday.  I was on the 
same type committee bout ten years ago which called it something like 
Walkable City.  Anyway, things that were mentioned then are still not being 
done.  I called the Code enforcement dept (had to talk to five people before 
I got the right person) asking about a very dangerous sidewalk which I'd 
brought to their attention two months ago.  I was told that they needed to 
write letters to the property owners.  I guess they have photographed the 
place.  It is on the north side of 11th between the NY - NJ alley west of NJ 
Street.  I suppose I'll have to fall on it or get hit by a vehicle since I 
need to walk in the street there before anything is done.  Wish me luck. 
Perhaps we can decide upon an action at dangerous places.  I do not plan to 
go Saturday.  Blah.  Blah.  Blah.  As one attorney told me,  "They really 
don't give a damn."

Thanks for listening to the rant.  Perhaps we can have some fun with these 
problems soon.  Anyone up for nonviolent Civil Disobedience?



Pat M. Slick
patslick at sunflower.com
1110-B Rhode Island Street
Lawrence, KS 66044-3062  USA

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