[Jayhawk-chapter] Get Ready For Jayhawk Chapter Bracketology!

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Tue Mar 8 04:44:07 UTC 2016

Greetings Jayhawk Federation colleagues,


You will hopefully recall our February chapter meeting we (that is you in my
absence) voted to conduct our second NCAA men's basketball tournament
bracketology pool. In furtherance of our decision I am attaching the
informational letter which I encourage you to distribute widely to those in
your circle of relationship, friendship, and acquaintance. As the letter
notes, there are two (2) prizes, one for the winner of the pool and one for
the chapter member who recruits the highest number of pool participants
outside the chapter. Both prizes consist of a $50 gift card from the Salty
Iguana which I chose for its multiple locations in the Lawrence/KC area and
its ongoing tradition as a consistent supporter of KU athletics.


I, along with anyone who will volunteer to assist me, will make our best
attempt to persuade the management to donate the gift certificates. Should
this endeavor prove unsuccessful we will implement a backup plan to avoid
the need to dip into chapter treasury to purchase the gift cards.


If you have any questions before Selection Sunday on March 13, I will do my
best to respond to a call, text, or email as soon as possible. I leave for
national leadership training seminar at the Jernigan Institute in Baltimore
on Wednesday and will return on Sunday.


I encourage all of you to participate in this fun-packed  fukndraiser and
will urge others to join us in this very worthwhile endeavor.


Best regards,


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