[Jayhawk-chapter] February Minutes
Brendy Latare
6brendy at sbcglobal.net
Sat Mar 19 15:31:48 UTC 2016
Hello all,
Following and attached are the minutes from last meeting. My apologies for being so late! Hope you will have a chance to look over them before this afternoon. They are short!
Let me know of any corrections or additions.
Thank you,
Jayhawk Chapter NFBKS
February 20, 2016
Lawrence Public Library , Room B
707 Vermont Street, Lawrence, KS
In attendance: Renée Morgan, Charles Hurst, Jim Secor, Susan Tabor, Cheryl Miller, Ron Miller, Dustin Disque, Sidney Roedel, Brendy Latare, and guest Linda Troxel.
The meeting was called to order at 1:06 pm.
We listened to the recording of Presidential press release #447.
President’s report: Rob was in Baltimore at an NFB seminar on convention planning, so no report.
Vice President’s report: none.
Secretary’s report: January 2016 minutes were approved as emailed.
Treasurer’s report: Last month we started with a balance of $764.20, and spent $180 on support for those attending the Washington Seminar. We now have a balance of $584.20.
Fundraising: Sidney reported that our application for The Merc’s donation program, Change for Our Community, was denied. The reason given was that they have chosen to financially support charitable programs benefitting children in the local area. We were encouraged to contact them for any future Jayhawk chapter projects, if we need donations of store goods.
The accessible NCAA Basketball Tournament Pool, hosted by Terrill Thompson, will be in operation again this March. We agreed that we want Rob to send out the information. As in the past, there will be a prize for the most accurate bracket, and a prize for the Jayhawk chapter member who recruits the most entries from outside our group. Last year Ron Miller won the recruitment prize with 13!
Our guest Linda Troxel presented her idea for a new fundraiser: a tactile art show. We could charge an entry fee to artists, and a percentage of sales. There was discussion of coordinating with the city-wide Final Fridays art openings. We would need to seek an accessible venue, seek access to a group of artists, figure out how to take submissions, and possibly plan a non-visual route through the show. Renée (and others?) will coordinate the effort.
Linda also mentioned that AARP Tax Aid will be at the Douglas County Senior Center to help any county resident with their taxes, regardless of age or disability.
Before the meeting, some of our members had been handed a printed flyer with info about a survey regarding community experiences of being stopped by the police. We had a short discussion.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:20.
Next meeting March 19, 2016, location TBD.
Respectfully submitted by Brendy Latare
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