[Jayhawk-chapter] Mayor's MTVM proclamation 10/4/2016, save the date

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Wed Sep 21 22:43:34 UTC 2016

Greetings fellow Jayhawk federationists,

We are on the calendar at the city commission to present the proclamation for October as national meet the blind month and for October 15 as national white cane safety day. The meeting will begin on October 4 at 5:45 PM in the city commission meeting room on first floor at City Hall, six E. six Street here in Lawrence. Mayor Mike Amyx Will invite us to do a brief presentation about the Federation and will formally yread and sign the proclamation statement. The proclamation ceremony will take place in the earliest part of the meeting so those who wish to participate will need to be sure to arrive on time. The city commission meeting will be broadcast in full on WOW Broadband Cable channel 25, which means this will be an excellent opportunity to publicize our upcoming accessible arts show.

Those of us who attend the ceremony may want to consider going out for dinner after the meeting which we will be free to leave after the ceremony is concluded. Thank you all for your dedication to the work of the Federation and I hope to see you on October 4.
Best regards,

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