[Jayhawk-chapter] Prompt action requested

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Sun Feb 19 15:51:08 UTC 2017

Good morning Jay hawk Federation colleagues,

Though it felt one member short of a quorum, we had a very good chapter meeting yesterday with five members present. As you may recall, there was an item on the agenda pertaining to the student division's request for financial assistance for original blind student leadership seminar at Colorado Center for the blind. The Kansas student group will travel cross country by car to the Denver area on March 9 and will return to Kansas on the 12th. Luke Schwinck, President of the Kansas Association of blind students, estimates a cost of approximately $1600 to transport, feed, and house five blind students and a driver. Today eight $400 has been raised for the event including contribution from the blind student division treasury.

A consensus of those in attendance is that our student division makes a vital contribution to the state affiliate and represents the future of the organization. The seminar is expected to build a collaborative network of communications among blind student groups within our region, reinforce the Federation's positive philosophy of blindness, and to build or reinforce competency skills.

I wish to assure everyone that our blind student division is very enterprising and works very enthusiastically in fund-raising projects including an auction conducted at our 2016 state convention in November. Unfortunately, a significant portion of the treasury is tied up in unsold inventory despite their best efforts to sell nuts and related snack food items.

It was moved by Jim Secor and seconded by Athena Johnson that the chapter contribute $200 toward the regional student seminar at CCB. No vote was taken in the absence of a quorum, hence we request you to register your vote via email. Please feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns you may have before casting your vote.

In any event please cast your vote as soon as possible to enable me to communicate with Luke in a timely fashion so he can plan accordingly. Thank you each and all for your careful consideration and prompt action on this important matter.

Best regards,

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