[Jayhawk-chapter] minutes from telephone meeting 9/23

Brendy Latare 6brendy at sbcglobal.net
Mon Sep 25 01:13:25 UTC 2017

Hello all,
Attached and copied below are the minutes from our phone call on Saturday. Please let me know if there are any corrections or additions.

Jayhawk Chapter of the National Federation of the Blind of Kansas
Saturday, September 23, 2017
Meeting held by conference call
In attendance: Rob, Susan, Renee, Cheryl, Tamara, Brendy

Called to order at approximately 10:55 AM.
We met by conference call since our regularly scheduled meeting on September 16 only had 3 attendees, not enough for a quorum. We skipped some parts of our typical meeting structure, namely officer reports.

Topic I:  Meet the Blind Month and White Cane Day activities
 A.  We decided unanimously to send a representative to the October 10 city commission meeting for Meet the Blind Month and White Cane Day Proclamation.
   1.  All are welcome to attend. Be there before 5:45 pm on October 10, as proclamations start promptly at 5:45.

 B.  Interview with Hank Booth on KLWN. Rob and Renee have done this in the past.
   1.  Rob will make contact with the radio station.

 C.  Film released by national NFB titled: Do You Dream In Color? We decided we do want to show this in the community if possible.
   1.  Rob will secure the DVD, which comes with a packet of information, discussion topics, etc.
   2.  Tamara will ask the manager of the City Recreation Centers if there is a space we can use during October.
   3.  Rob will ask at the Cider Gallery; he thinks Tuesday evening would be a possibility since they already set up chairs for a Wednesday morning meeting.
   4.  Brendy will ask the school district if there is a facility available during October.

Topic II:  State convention planning; we are the host chapter.
Our state convention will take place at the Doubletree Hilton, previously known as the Holidome, 210 McDonald Drive, on November 10, 11, and 12. This year’s theme is “STEM the Tide of Low Expectations.” Our national representative is Carla McQuillan from Oregon.

 A.  Room rates at the hotel have increased with the new ownership, but NFB of Kansas is subsidizing each reservation to bring the nightly rate down to 99 dollars.
   1.  If financial hardship will prohibit you from attending convention, you can request help with the cost of registration, luncheon, banquet, and room reservation. Send an email to Rob by the end of the day on Friday, October 6, to request financial assistance, which will come from the state affiliate.
   2.  Use this link to read convention information from state president Tom Page: 2017 Convention Info <http://nfbks.org/2017%20convention%20info.docx>
   3.  Use this link to pre-register for the convention: 2017 Convention Pre-Registration Form <http://nfbks.org/2017%20convention%20pre-registration%20form.doc>
Pre-registering saves you 5 dollars, and helps with planning.

 B.  We discussed some of Friday’s planned activities.
   1.  At 1:30 and again at 3 o’clock, Rob will lead iPhone training classes.
   2.  Hospitality Room will be open Friday from 5-9 PM
     a.  Cheryl and Renee will be Hospitality hosts.
     b.  The hotel will cater the food and drinks.
     c.  Tamara volunteered to provide chair massages as a fundraiser for our chapter, probably charging $5. Renee knows the operators of Bhodi Tree Holistic Healing, who also may donate their services with chair massages. Setting up near the Hospitality Room may be more convenient than in the Exhibit Hall for the customer and massager, if we can arrange it.
   3.  Exhibit Hall will be open the same hours as Hospitality, Friday from 5-9 PM.
     a.  Brendy is working on contacting possible exhibitors/vendors. Members with ideas on exhibitors or vendors to invite are encouraged to contact Brendy at 6brendy at sbcglobal.net
 C.  Tamara agreed to work on Door Prizes.
   1.  Cheryl, who has done it before, reminded her that it shouldn’t require huge effort, as convention attendees will often show up with prizes.
   2.  We discussed offering a cash door prize from the Jayhawk Chapter. Tamara moved, Cheryl seconded, to provide 50 dollars in cash in an envelope labeled in print and braille. The motion passed unanimously. Brendy will bring it to convention.

There was no other old or new business.
The next meeting will be on October 21, from 10-noon, in meeting room B at Lawrence Public Library, 707 Vermont. It’s Renee’s birthday!! There will be cake <smile>
At next meeting, we will hold elections for officers, and also collect dues in the amount of 12 dollars per member. Please bring your dues!
Also at next meeting, Rob feels we should have a frank discussion about meeting time, to make sure we can have maximum attendance and participation in the chapter.
The telephone meeting was adjourned at approximately 11:30 AM.

Respectfully submitted by Brendy Latare
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