[Jayhawk-chapter] Talking thermostat

Pat Slick patslick53 at icloud.com
Mon Jan 1 20:58:44 UTC 2018

Hello fellow confederation us,

You might remember, at a meeting last year, folks were talking about thermostats and did not work so well and I mentioned that I would find out what brand I had because it works really well

It is a smart way solution and I believe it’s called series 3000 anyway 3000 it’s at the end and if I remember that part I will send another email out
It took me a while to get the maintenance guy over here to be able to read it for me and then look it up on the Internet now I have a heat pump I don’t know if that would make a difference. It is on Amazon.com or the model number is on Talking thermostats.com

Enough said happy new year


Pat  Sent from my iPhone

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