[Jayhawk-chapter] Fwd: New Voting Equipment, public showcasing, save the date

Rob Tabor rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net
Sun Mar 4 12:32:45 UTC 2018

Sure, be happy to coordinate rides for us. The showcasing event is at the new Flory building at the FFair grounds. I think it was named for Jim Flory, though I don’t known what the powers that be thought Flory did to deserve a standing monument. Say, perhaps going somewhere afterwords for a bite and a beer might be a notion.

En Amistad,



From: Jayhawk-Chapter [mailto:jayhawk-chapter-bounces at nfbnet.org] On Behalf Of Pat Slick via Jayhawk-Chapter
Sent: Saturday, March 03, 2018 2:27 PM
To: Jayhawk Chapter list, Lawrence, Kansas
Cc: Pat Slick
Subject: Re: [Jayhawk-chapter] Fwd: New Voting Equipment, public showcasing, save the date


Hey Rob,

Of course, I would like to go for that. Please keep me in mind if you schedule transportation since we live so close we could coordinate I suppose where is it presume assume so spoon some kind a spoon thanks Rob. Pat




On Mar 3, 2018, at 9:18 AM, Rob Tabor via Jayhawk-Chapter <jayhawk-chapter at nfbnet.org> wrote:

Good morning colleagues,

Please distribute the message below widely throughout our community. Let’s keep accessible voting moving forward in Douglas County.
Best regards,
Robert Tabor National Federation of the blind of Kansas, Independence Inc. Access Task Force
(785) 865-9959

Begin forwarded message:

From: <jshew at douglascountyks.org>
Date: February 28, 2018 at 12:00:20 PM CST
To: <rob.tabor at sbcglobal.net>
Subject: New Voting Equipment


When I spoke the Jayhawk Chapter a few years ago, I mentioned when the time came to purchase new voting equipment there would be an opportunity to interact with the potential vendors and test their equipment.  I would like to invite all of your members to attend an open display of the vendor’s equipment on April 4th, 2018 from 6-8 p.m. at the Flory Building on the Douglas County Fairgrounds.  There will be five vendors present, each who are submitting bids to Douglas County.  This is an open event with no formal presentations, so individuals are encouraged to come anytime between 6 and 8.  The vendors will have all of their precinct level devices set up and ready for use by the public.  Our office will be present to collect feedback on the equipment.


Please share this information with your members and anyone else who would be interested in this equipment.  The feedback on all of the equipment, but especially the accessible options, is very important to me.  There is a variety of technology available from the vendors and your opinions are essential for this decision.


Thank you and please contact me with any further questions,



Jameson Shew

Douglas County Clerk

1100 Massachusetts St

Lawrence, Kansas 66046


785-832-5182 (phone)


wwwdouglascountyelections.com <http://www.douglascountyelections.com> 


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